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CloudFlare's new WAF: compiling to Lua



We use nginx throughout our network for front-line web serving, proxying and traffic filtering. In some cases, we've augmented the core C code of nginx with our own modules, but recently we've made a major move to using Lua in conjunction with nginx. One project that's now almost entirely written in Lua is the new CloudFlare WAF that we blogged about the other day. The Lua WAF uses the nginx Lua module to embed Lua code and execute that code as part of the normal nginx handling of phases....

DDoS Prevention: Protecting The Origin



One of the many great features that CloudFlare provides is protection from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. A malicious party who wants to make your website or web service unavailable could try to overwhelm it with requests from compromised machines (or bots) all around the world. ...

Syrian Internet Restored



Yesterday, Syria's Internet connectivity was cut off from the rest of the world. At 14:12 UTC, approximately 19 hours and 30 minutes after it had been shut down, connectivity was returned....