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Dani Grant

Dani Grant

Delivering Dot


Product NewsDNSAnycastReliabilitySpeed & ReliabilityOptimization

Since March 30, 2017, Cloudflare has been providing DNS Anycast service as additional F-Root instances under contract with ISC (the F-Root operator). F-Root is a single IPv4 address plus a single IPv6 address which both ISC and Cloudflare announce to the global Internet as a shared Anycast. This document reviews how F-Root has performed since that date in March 2017. The DNS root servers are an important utility provided to all clients on the Internet for free - all F root instances includin...

An AMP validator you can cURL



Cloudflare has been a long time supporter of AMP, an open-source markup language 1.5 billion web pages are using to accelerate their mobile web performance. Cloudflare runs Ampersand....