Protecting Free Expression Online
Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed a troubling trend: an increasing number of politically or artistically important sites targeted by very large denial of service attacks. ...
Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed a troubling trend: an increasing number of politically or artistically important sites targeted by very large denial of service attacks. ...
Today is June 6. For the last two years, the date has been celebrated as World IPv6 Day. CloudFlare has offered full IPv6 support as well as our IPv6-to-IPv4 gateway since 2012....
It’s been over 1,000 days since the Internet Society’s World IPv6 Day and a lot of positive things have happened in that world of IPv6 content delivery. At CloudFlare we have not been sitting still either. ...
The OpenSSL team announced seven vulnerabilities covering OpenSSL 0.9.8, 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 (i.e. all versions) earlier today....
Great news for everyone using CloudFlare on an e-commerce site, or a site accepting or processing credit card transactions. After undergoing a Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) 2.0 security control assessment, we’ve been certified as a Level 1 service provider....
This year’s HostingCon will be held in Miami Beach, and the CloudFlare team is busy prepping. This is our fourth year at the show and our team is excited to see partners, customers and friends....
Education, expertise, and community: these themes define Meetups at CloudFlare. Meetups in our office bring together industry leaders, academics, and field experts to examine topics ranging from the Go programming language, to databases, to cryptography, and more....
Every once in a while I run into an obscure computer technology that is a hidden gem, which over the years has become mostly forgotten. This is exactly how I feel about the tcpdump tool and its kernel counterpart the packet filter interface....
Two weeks ago we changed our TLS configuration to deprioritize the RC4 encryption method because it is widely thought to be vulnerable to attack. At the time we had an internal debate about turning off RC4 altogether, but statistics showed that we couldn't....
At CloudFlare we spend a lot of time thinking about the best way to keep our customers’ data safe. Despite recent troubles, HTTPS is still the best way to deliver encrypted content for the web. ...
Over time we've updated the SSL configuration we use for serving HTTPS as the security landscape has changed. In the past we've documented those changes in blog posts....
Within a few hours of CloudFlare launching its Heartbleed Challenge the truth was out. Not only did Heartbleed leak private session information (such as cookies and other data that SSL should have been protecting), but the crown jewels of an HTTPS web server were also vulnerable....
At CloudFlare, we love connecting with our communities, and so we are excited to announce two meetups to be hosted here at the CloudFlare headquarters in San Francisco next month....
A quick followup to our last blog post on our decision to reissue and revoke all of CloudFlare's customers' SSL certificates. One question we've received is why we didn't just reissue and revoke all SSL certificates as soon as we got word about the Heartbleed vulnerability?...
Eleven days ago the Heartbleed vulnerability was publicly announced. Last Friday, we issued the CloudFlare Challenge: Heartbleed and simultaneously started the process of revoking and reissuing all the SSL certificates....
As you may have noticed, the CloudFlare Heartbleed Challenge has been solved. The private key for the site has been obtained by several authorized attackers via the Heartbleed exploit....
Earlier today we announced the Heartbleed Challenge. We set up a nginx server with a vulnerable version of OpenSSL and challenged the community to steal its private key....
Below is what we thought as of 12:27pm UTC. To verify our belief we crowd sourced the investigation. It turns out we were wrong. While it takes effort, it is possible to extract private SSL keys....
As we've said before, lots of our users run WordPress on their websites and its popularity makes it a big target. So when a new vulnerability is discovered, acting quickly is prudent....
Today a new vulnerability was announced in OpenSSL 1.0.1 that allows an attacker to reveal up to 64kB of memory to a connected client or server (CVE-2014-0160). We fixed this vulnerability last week before it was made public. ...