CloudFlare London: We're hiring
When we talk about international expansion we're usually talking about adding data centers around the world. The last one we added was in Seoul, South Korea....
When we talk about international expansion we're usually talking about adding data centers around the world. The last one we added was in Seoul, South Korea....
Yesterday, we announced that 30 of the world's largest hosting providers are now supporting CloudFlare's Railgun WAN optimization technology. ...
Over the next few days we have a number of announcements regarding CloudFlare's Railgun technology. We wanted to begin, however, with what is in some ways the end: the ways in which you can take advantage of Railgun yourself....
This has been a rough week in the security industry with big attacks and compromises reported at companies from Facebook to Apple. ...
CloudFlare's I'm Under Attack Mode (IUAM) is elegantly simple. When a site is under an application layer (Layer 7) distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, the mode will return a challenge page to a visitor. ...
You may have heard that Facebook took down a significant portion of the Internet today. A bug in their Facebook Connect script caused users to be redirected to a Facebook error page....
CloudFlare often gets early word of new vulnerabilities before they are released. Last week we got word that today (Monday, February 4, 2013) there would be a new SSL vulnerability announced. ...
CloudFlare makes caching easy. Our service automatically determines what files to cache based on file extensions. Performance benefits kick in automatically....
Last night I gave a short presentation about how to use CloudFlare with WordPress sites to about 60 people attending the WordPress London Meetup. CloudFlare was happy to be sponsor of the event providing drinks, beers and lots and lots of pizza. The meetup was held at the Google Campus....
CloudFlare is heading to Parallels Summit in Las Vegas on Monday, February 4th to Wednesday, February 6th. We look forward to meeting and reconnecting with service providers and providing complimentary limo rides between the airport and the Caesars Palace hotel....
Today from 21:00 - 23:00 UTC CloudFlare scheduled a maintenance window. During that time, CloudFlare's interface was offline. While it was only two hours of time (and we finished a bit early, at 22:16 UTC) what went on during that window had been in the works for several months. ...
You care about your website, and you want it to be found. For many visitors, finding your website starts with search engines. Together, Google, Bing, Baidu and others are huge sources of traffic for every website....
CloudFlare runs one of the largest networks of DNS servers in the world. Over the last few months, we've invested in making our DNS as fast and responsive as possible. We were happy to see these efforts pay off in third-party DNS test results....
For about half the world (and about half of CloudFlare's data centers) it's already 2013. As our team (most of whom are in San Francisco) get ready to celebrate New Year's Eve, wanted to quickly look back on CloudFlare's 2012. ...
We spend a lot of time at CloudFlare thinking about how to make the Internet fast on mobile devices. Currently there are over 1.2 billion active mobile users and that number is growing rapidly....
We enjoy working with companies who share a focus on website security. When GamaSec, an online web vulnerability-assessment service, inquired about ways to integrate...
To solve that problem CloudFlare came up with a delta compression technique that recognizes that even dynamically-generated or personalized pages change only a little over time or between users....
Looking at the latest DDoS attack statistics from CloudFlare's network, it seems that hackers love the holidays....
Forecasters have estimated that online holiday shopping will account for almost 25 percent of total ecommerce sales in 2012. That's more than $54 Billion dollars in online transactions....
More than a year ago, Ryan Kirkman and Thomas Davis approached us about a project they were working on. Dubbed CDNJS, the project had a noble goal: make the world's Javascript resources load as fast as possible....