CloudFlare will be at HostingCon 2013 in Full Force
The CloudFlare team will be at HostingCon 2013 in Austin next week. This is our third year at the show and we have a lot of things in store for partners. ...
The CloudFlare team will be at HostingCon 2013 in Austin next week. This is our third year at the show and we have a lot of things in store for partners. ...
Over the last week we've closely watched the disclosures about the alleged NSA PRISM program. At CloudFlare, we have never been approached to participate in PRISM or any other similar program. ...
June 6th is known as World IPv6 Day so we thought it was a good time to look at the trends in IPv6 usage across CloudFlare's network. ...
Today at 16:13 UTC a large amount of traffic began hitting our Los Angeles data center. We have an in-house team that monitors our network 24x7x365 and immediately all their alarms went off....
Yesterday, Syria's Internet connectivity was cut off from the rest of the world. At 14:12 UTC, approximately 19 hours and 30 minutes after it had been shut down, connectivity was returned....
Today at 18:48 UTC, Syria dropped off the Internet. Based on the data we collect from our network, as well as reports from other organizations monitoring network routes, it appears that someone systematically withdrew the BGP. ...
CloudFlare's first international office opened this month near St. Paul's Cathedral in London. We decided to open this office for two major reasons: to get access to high quality software engineering, network operations and tech support folks, and to expand our 24/7 operations and support. ...
The team at the research firm Sucuri announced a serious vulnerability to W3TC and WP Super Cache this afternoon. (Update: it appears the vulnerability was first reported on about a month ago.)...
We've had a number of requests for information about what data CloudFlare logs when someone visits a site on our network. While we have provided a Privacy Policy that outlines how we keep information private, I wanted to take the time to clarify our customer log retention policies....
There is currently a significant attack being launched at a large number of WordPress blogs across the Internet. The attacker is brute force attacking the WordPress administrative portals, using the username "admin" and trying thousands of passwords. ...
As we wrote about before, we attended Parallels Summit in February where we hosted "Conversations with CloudFlare" - live video interviews with industry experts....
At CloudFlare, we're always looking for ways to eliminate bottlenecks. We're only able to deal with the very large amount of traffic that we handle because we've built a network that can efficiently handle an extremely high volume of network requests. ...
The New York Times this morning published a story about the Spamhaus DDoS attack and how CloudFlare helped mitigate it and keep the site online. The Times calls the attack the largest known DDoS attack ever on the Internet....
Page Rules are powerful tools for controlling how CloudFlare works on your site on a page-by-page basis. Customers customize CloudFlare with Page Rules based on their specific needs....
Last month we attended Parallels Summit to meet with new and existing partners, and hear from leading experts on the latest industry trends. ...
At CloudFlare, we deal with large DDoS attacks every day. Usually, these attacks are directed at large companies or organizations that are reluctant to talk about their details. Sometimes a customer is willing to let us tell their story....
When you think of San Francisco, undoubtedly one bridge in particular comes to mind - The Golden Gate Bridge....
We've mentioned before that we're using Go internally for projects such as Railgun (and a new DNS server and SSL infrastructure amongst other things). ...
CloudFlare had an hour-long outage this last weekend. Thankfully, outages like this have been a relatively rare occurrance for our service. ...
This morning at 09:47 UTC CloudFlare effectively dropped off the Internet. The outage affected all of CloudFlare's services including DNS and any services that rely on our web proxy....