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SYN packet handling in the wild

January 15, 2018 1:49 PM


Here at Cloudflare, we have a lot of experience of operating servers on the wild Internet. But we are always improving our mastery of this black art. On this very blog we have touched on multiple dark corners of the Internet protocols: like understanding FIN-WAIT-2 or receive buffer tuning....


June 25, 2012 7:14 AM

What makes SPDY speedy?

Google has proposed a new protocol for downloading web pages called SPDY and CloudFlare will shortly be making it available in beta form. SPDY is designed to make web browsing faster without replacing HTTP. ...

October 19, 2011 2:45 AM

Stayin' Alive

We've been making a lot of improvements deep within CloudFlare that you'll start to see the benefits of over the coming weeks. As the changes graduate from our tests to full production, we'll try and give you a sense of what they are and why they're important. ...