May 05, 2016 1:00 PM
Everybody gets WebSockets
Two summers ago, with a seemed-big-at-the-time network of 28 datacenters, not long after introducing Medellin, CloudFlare introduced support for WebSockets, initially for our Enterprise customers....
May 03, 2016 11:40 AM
Introducing CloudFlare Origin CA
In the fall of 2014 CloudFlare launched Universal SSL and doubled the number of sites on the Internet accessible via HTTPS. In just a few days we issued certificates protecting millions of our customers’ domains and became the easiest way to secure your website with SSL/TLS....
May 02, 2016 5:00 PM
Stronger protection and more control over security settings with CloudFlare’s new cPanel plugin
CloudFlare has released a new version of our plugin for cPanel with two new features and more control over the security settings of your website....
April 28, 2016 1:00 PM
Announcing Support for HTTP/2 Server Push
Last November, we rolled out HTTP/2 support for all our customers. At the time, HTTP/2 was not in wide use, but more than 88k of the Alexa 2 million websites are now HTTP/2-enabled....
April 19, 2016 4:15 PM
Today Is A Big Day For Page Rules
Today we're releasing a whole suite of upgrades to page rules: API support, additional settings, pausing a page rule and a mobile-friendly design. ...
April 13, 2016 4:59 PM
New for Virtual DNS Customers: Self-Service Dashboard and APIs, and Two New Features
Today we're launching two new features and a brand new dashboard and API for Virtual DNS. Virtual DNS is CloudFlare’s DNS proxy that sits in front of some of the largest hosting providers in the world, shielding their DNS infrastructure from attacks....
March 31, 2016 12:00 PM
Introducing CFSSL 1.2
Continuing our commitment to high quality open-source software, we’re happy to announce release 1.2 of CFSSL, our TLS/PKI Swiss Army knife. We haven’t written much about CFSSL here since we originally open sourced the project in 2014, so we thought we’d provide an update....
November 10, 2015 1:56 PM
Announcing Universal DNSSEC: Secure DNS for Every Domain
CloudFlare launched just five years ago with the goal of building a better Internet. That’s why we are excited to announce that beginning today, anyone on CloudFlare can secure their traffic with DNSSEC in just one simple step....
October 20, 2015 8:54 PM
DNSSEC is Open for Beta
Since January, CloudFlare has been running a small, private beta for DNSSEC. Starting today, the DNSSEC beta is open for everyone. ...
September 28, 2015 2:00 AM
Happy 5th Birthday, CloudFlare!
Today is September 27, 2015. It's a rare Super Blood Moon. And it's also CloudFlare's birthday. CloudFlare launched 5 years ago today. It was a Monday. While Michelle, Lee, and I had high expectations, we would never have imagined what's happened since then....
September 14, 2015 5:25 AM
How We Extended CloudFlare's Performance and Security Into Mainland China
CloudFlare launched five years ago. Within a year of our launch, the biggest surprise was the strong global demand for our service. From nearly the beginning, China was the second largest source of traffic by country to our network, behind only the United States....
August 31, 2015 10:31 PM
Railgun v5 has landed: better, faster, lighter
Three years ago we launched Railgun, CloudFlare's origin network optimizer. Railgun allows us to cache the uncacheable to accelerate the connection between CloudFlare and our customers' origin servers. ...
August 19, 2015 3:46 PM
Introducing a Powerful Way to Purge Cache on CloudFlare: Purge by Cache-Tag
Today CloudFlare is introducing a new way to purge the cache using Cache-Tags. Cache-Tags are assigned to cached content via a Cache-Tag response header, and are stored as metadata with cached objects so that global purges take only seconds, targeting a granular, finite set of ca...
July 23, 2015 4:33 PM
Introducing Partner Analytics
CloudFlare has over 5,000 hosting provider partners. Every day, thousands of our partners' customers take advantage of CloudFlare to help them be faster and more secure....