January 01, 2017 10:40 PM
How and why the leap second affected Cloudflare DNS
At midnight UTC on New Year’s Day, deep inside Cloudflare’s custom RRDNS software, a number went negative when it should always have been, at worst, zero. A little later this negative value caused RRDNS to panic. ...
June 21, 2016 6:03 AM
A Post Mortem on this Morning's Incident
We would like to share more details with our customers and readers on the internet outages that occurred this morning and earlier in the week, and what we are doing to prevent these from happening again....
July 06, 2015 9:30 PM
The Internet is a cooperative system: CNAME to Dyn DNS outage of 6 July 2015
Today, shortly after 21:00 UTC, on our internal operations chat there was a scary message from one of our senior support staff: "getting DNS resolution errors on", at the same time as automated monitoring indicated a problem....
August 27, 2013 6:15 PM
Details Behind Today's Internet Hacks
At 1:19pm (PDT) today, a researcher noticed that the New York Times' website wasn't loading. We know the New York Times tech team, so we sent an email to check in. A few minutes later, the CTO of the NYT called us back. ...
May 31, 2013 11:10 AM
Today's Network Issue
Today at 16:13 UTC a large amount of traffic began hitting our Los Angeles data center. We have an in-house team that monitors our network 24x7x365 and immediately all their alarms went off....
March 03, 2013 1:47 PM
Today's Outage Post Mortem
This morning at 09:47 UTC CloudFlare effectively dropped off the Internet. The outage affected all of CloudFlare's services including DNS and any services that rely on our web proxy....
September 16, 2012 5:40 PM
Post Mortem: What Yesterday's Network Outage Looked Like
Yesterday, around 16:36 GMT, we had an interruption to our network services. The interruption was caused by a combination of factors. First, we had an upstream bandwidth provider with some network issues that primarily affected our European data centers....
June 04, 2012 10:02 PM
The Four Critical Security Flaws that Resulted in Last Friday's Hack
A core value CloudFlare is that security information should be shared between organizations to make the entire Internet safer. That is how CloudFlare's systems work: if one site is attacked, data about that attack is immediately shared with the rest of the network so other sites ...
June 01, 2012 10:22 PM
Post Mortem: Today's Attack; Apparent Google Apps/Gmail Vulnerability; and How to Protect Yourself
This morning a hacker was able to access a customer's account on CloudFlare and change that customer's DNS records. The attack was the result of a compromise of Google's account security procedures....
May 02, 2012 8:41 PM
Today's Outage Post Mortem
CloudFlare had an outage across much of our network today. The outage began at 20:19 (GMT). It affected approximately 75% of traffic to CloudFlare's network. The length of time for the outage varied depending on region, but the maximum period of downtime was approximately 15 minu...
February 24, 2012 4:08 PM
Post Mortem: The Ugly, the Bad & the Good
Last night was not our finest hour. Around 07:30 GMT, we were finishing up a push of a new DNS infrastructure. The core of what this new update was built to do is make DNS updates even faster. ...
August 24, 2011 11:54 PM
Apache Killer Terminated: Zero Day Exploit, Zero Day Fix
Early this morning word spread that there was a zero day exploit dubbed the "Apache Killer." The exploit uses malformed Apache byte-range headers to crash the web server. The exploit is effective against the latest versions of Apache as well as versions back to v1.3. ...