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John Roberts

John Roberts

Apps - Second Week Recap


Cloudflare AppsSupport

This past week, we introduced five new CloudFlare Apps. Ranging from webmaster tools to analytics, with live chat, monitoring, and support as new options for good measure, it's a great collection. Each one is available from the CloudFlare dashboard....

App a Day #5 - Pingdom free account


Cloudflare AppsMonitoring

You use CloudFlare because you want high performance, reliability, and security. Website owners deserve nothing less. Because we believe in transparency, we provide insight into our system status. Still, it's important to have third-party verification, so we encourage the use of outside monitors....

App a Day #4: Google Webmaster Tools


Cloudflare AppsGoogleDNS

Google Webmaster Tools collects several utilities from the search giant that make a site owner's life better. You can see how visible your site is to Google's crawlers, learn about links to your site, provide a sitemap, and generally confirm your site is operating at full blast for search customers....