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Product News

CloudFlare's New UI: Managing DNS records

April 10, 2012 10:33 PM

DashboardProduct News

We have released a number of changes to the site to make things easier to find and locate. Since making changes to existing DNS records and adding new ones are vitally important to site owners, we thought it would be helpful to craft a blog post showing the changes to the DNS editor....

Welcome DreamHost!

April 05, 2012 1:01 PM

Product NewsPartners

We hung out with the DreamHost team for the first time at HostingCon in August 2011. They threw a great party, had awesome t-shirts, and exuded the kind of excitement and passion for hosting that CloudFlare has for making websites faster and more secure. ...


October 19, 2011 2:45 AM

Stayin' Alive

We've been making a lot of improvements deep within CloudFlare that you'll start to see the benefits of over the coming weeks. As the changes graduate from our tests to full production, we'll try and give you a sense of what they are and why they're important. ...

January 05, 2011 10:43 PM

New Feature: Customize Your CloudFlare Challenge Page

CloudFlare protects your website from malicious attacks by stopping the request before it reaches your server. Often these requests are from automated bots crawling your website looking for a vulnerability. Sometimes, the threat is a web surfer whose computer has been compromised...