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Michelle Zatlyn

Michelle Zatlyn

Welcome to Birthday Week 2019


Birthday WeekProduct News

September has always been a special month for Cloudflare. Nine years ago — on September 27th — we launched Cloudflare. And, each year since, we’ve celebrated our birthday with a week full of new products and innovations that support our mission of helping to build a better Internet....

Top Tips for new CloudFlare Users


OnboardingBest Practices

CloudFlare is a service that has powerful underlying technology. We run 10 (with more coming) data centers around the world and do DNS, caching, bot filtering and more for all of our users. Despite all of this technology, our goal is to make the service simple for our users to use....

April's Fools Day


FunLife at Cloudflare

It is a beautiful morning in San Francisco and the office was full of April Fool's jokes. The creativity was spearheaded by Matthieu, who recruited Matthew and Jason to help him execute several ideas. The pranks included wrapping Lee's desk in parcel paper, packaging Ian's desk in bubble wrap, controlling Sri's computer remotely with a foot and making my desk look like it just stepped into a flurry of sticky notes. It was a fun way to start everyone's day. Thanks Matthieu! And then, after al...