Developer Week 2023が正式に終了しました。先週、Cloudlflareは開発者プラットフォームと今後の方向性についてを紹介する34の記事を投稿しました。新しい製品と機能、使い始めるのに役立つ詳細なチュートリアル、お客様にインスピレーションを与える顧客事例などが盛り込まれています。

🤯 Serverless machine learning deployments - OMG! We used to need a team of devops to deploy a todo list MVP, it’s now 3 clicks with workers. They’re gonna do the same with ML workloads. Just like that. Boom.
— Thibaut Tiberghien (@tibotiber) May 16, 2023
.@Cloudflare is totally rocking it with these AI releases 🤘
— Philipp Tsipman (@ptsi) May 17, 2023
Love this direction, for open source, for demos and running things on edge.
It's still in development, but as someone who've built an AI product on top of Cloudflare and has been asking for something like this, I'm really excited!
— Altryne - (@altryne) May 15, 2023
I've been waiting for this. Next on my list is a @remix_run app using @CockroachDB deployed to Workers. The new multi-region capabilities of #CockroachDB #serverless should pair wonderfully with @Cloudflare deployments.
— Aydrian Howard (@itsaydrian) May 16, 2023
Yes! Loving this! I definitely this is the right direction and will help the general DevX and onboarding to the platform a lot ❤️!
— Adrien Baron (@BaronAdri) May 18, 2023
当社が先週発表したいくつかの新しいツールを利用して、コードを作成したり、実験を行ったり、今後数週間、ツールを是非ご体験ください。構築を楽しまれる際に、 開発者向けdiscordに参加し、お客様のご意見をお聞かせください。
Announcement | Summary |
Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming | The emergence of large language models (LLMs) is going to change the way developers write, debug, and modify code. Developer Platforms need to evolve to integrate AI capabilities to assist developers in their journeys. |
Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack | Run pre-trained machine learning models and inference tasks on Cloudflare’s global network with Constellation AI. We’ll maintain a catalog of verified and ready-to-use models, or you can upload and train your own. |
Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant | When getting started with a new technology comes a lot of questions on how to get started. Finding answers quickly is a time-saver. To help developers build in the fastest way possible we’ve introduced Cursor, an experimental AI assistant, to answer questions you may have about the Developer Platform. The assistant responds with both text and relevant links to our documentation to help you go further. |
Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins | ChatGPT, recently allowed the ability for developers to create custom extensions to make ChatGPT even more powerful. It’s now possible to provide guidance to the conversational workflows within ChatGPT such as up-to-date statistics and product information. We’ve published plugins for Radar and our Developer Documentation and a tutorial showing how you can build your own plugin using Workers. |
A complete suite of Zero Trust security tools to help get the most from AI | With any new technology comes concerns about risk and AI is no different. If you want to build with AI and maintain a Zero Trust security posture, Cloudflare One offers a collection of features to build with AI without increased risk. We’ve also compiled some best practices around securing your LLM. |
Cloudflare R2 and MosaicML enable training LLMs on any compute, anywhere in the world, with zero switching costs | Training large language models requires massive amount of compute which has led AI companies to look at multi-cloud architectures, with R2 and MosaicML companies can build these infrastructures at a fraction of the cost. |
The S3 to R2 Super Slurper is now Generally Available | After partnering with hundreds of early adopters to migrate objects to R2 during the beta, the Super Slurper is now generally available. |
A raft of Cloudflare services for AI startups | AI startups no longer need affiliation with an accelerator or an employee referral to gain access to the Startup Program. Bootstrapped AI startups can apply today to get free access to Cloudflare services including R2, Workers, Pages, and a host of other security and developer services. |
How to secure Generative AI applications | 11 tips for securing your generative AI application. |
Using LangChain JS and Cloudflare Workers together | A tutorial on building your first LangChainJS and Workers application to build more sophisticated applications by switching between LLMs or chaining prompts together. |
Announcement | Summary |
Announcing database integrations: a few clicks to connect to Neon, PlanetScale, and Supabase on Workers | We’ve partnered with other database providers, including Neon, PlanetScale, and Supabase, to make authenticating and connecting back to your databases there just work, without having to copy-paste credentials and connection strings back and forth. |
Announcing connect() - a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers | Connect back to existing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases directly from Workers with outbound TCP sockets allowing you to connect to any database when building with Workers. |
D1: We turned it up to 11 | D1 is now not only significantly faster, but has a raft of new features, including the ability to time travel: restore your database to any minute within the last 30 days, without having to make a manual backup. |
Smart Placement speed up applications by moving code close to your backend - no config needed | Bringing compute closer to the end user isn’t always the right answer to improve performance. Smart Placement for Workers and Pages Functions moves compute to the optimal location whether that is closer to the end user or closer to backend services and data. |
Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake | Get valuable insights from your data when you use Snowflake to query data stored in your R2 data lake and load data from R2 into Snowflake’s Data Cloud. |
Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2 | Retrieving objects from storage needs to be fast. R2 is 20-40% faster than Amazon S3 when serving media content via public access. |
Announcement | Summary |
Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications | Create Cloudflare CLI (C3) is a companion CLI to Wrangler giving you a single entry-point to configure Cloudflare via CLI. Pick your framework, all npm dependencies are installed, and you’ll receive a URL for where your application was deployed. |
A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers | QuickEdit for Workers powered by VSCode giving you a familiar environment to edit Workers directly in the dash. |
Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages | Manage all your Workers scripts and Pages projects from a single place in the Cloudflare dashboard. Over the next year we’ll be working to converge these two separate experiences into one eliminating friction when building. |
Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds | Now in beta, the build system for Pages includes the latest versions of Node.js, Python, Hugo, and more. You can opt in to use this for existing projects or stay on the existing system, so your builds won’t break. |
Improved local development with Wrangler and workerd | Having a local development environment that mimics production as closely as possible helps to ensure everything runs as expected in production. You can test every aspect prior to deployment. Wrangler 3 now leverages Miniflare3 based on workerd with local-by-default development. |
Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service | Our terms of service were not clear about serving content hosted on the Developer Platform via our CDN. We’ve made it clearer that customers can use the CDN to serve video and other large files stored on the Developer Platform including Images, Pages, R2, and Stream. |
More Node.js APIs in Cloudflare Workers-Streams, Pat, StringDecoder | We’ve expanded support Node.js APIs to increase compatibility with the existing ecosystem of open source npm packages. |
Announcement | Summary |
How Cloudflare is powering the next generation of platforms with Workers | A retrospective on the first year of Workers for Platform, what’s coming next, and featuring how customers like Shopify and Grafbase are building with it. |
Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare | A technical deep dive into how we are rearchitecting internal services to use Workers. |
Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store | A centralized repository to store sensitive data for use across all of Cloudflare’s products. |
Cloudflare Queues: messages at your speed with consumer concurrency and explicit acknowledgement | Announcing new features for Queues to ensure queues don’t fall behind, and processing time doesn’t slow down. |
Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta | Deploy a Worker script that requires Browser Rendering capabilities through Wrangler. |
Constellation AIを使用して、Cloudflareのグローバルネットワーク上で事前にトレーニングされた機械学習モデルと推論タスクを実行しましょう。検証済みですぐに使えるモデルのカタログをご提供します。また、ご自分でアップロードしてトレーニングすることも可能です。
ChatGPTプラグインを使用したCloudflare Radarと当社ドキュメントの問い合わせ
ChatGPTは、最近、開発者がChatGPTをより強力にするためのカスタム拡張機能を作成できるようになりました。最新の統計情報や製品情報など、ChatGPT内の会話ワークフローにガイダンスを提供することができるようになったのです。私たちはRadar用のプラグインを公開し、開発者向けドキュメントとチュートリアルを公開し、 Workersを使って独自のプラグインを構築する方法を紹介しています。
AIを最大限に活用するためのZero Trustセキュリティツールの完全版
新しいテクノロジーにはリスクに関する懸念がつきものですが、AIも同じです。AIで構築し、Zero Trustのセキュリティ体制を維持したい場合、 Cloudflare Oneは、リスクを増大させずにAIで構築するための機能の集合を提供します。また、LLMのセキュリティに関するベストプラクティスをいくつかまとめました。
Cloudflare R2とMosaicML、切り替えコストゼロで、世界中どこでもあらゆるコンピューティングパワーでのLLMトレーニングを実現
ベータ版中に何百人ものアーリーアダプターと提携してオブジェクトをR2に移行した後、Super Slurperが一般に利用可能となりました。
AIスタートアップは、アクセラレーターとの提携や社員からの紹介がなくても、スタートアッププログラムに参加できるようになりました。Bootstrapped AIスタートアップは、R2、Workers、Pages、その他多数のセキュリティおよび開発者向けサービスを含むCloudflareのサービスに無料でアクセスできるよう、本日申請することができます。
LangChainJSとCloudflare Workersを併せて活用
Database integrationsの発表:少しのクリックでWorkers上でNeonNeon、PlanetScale、Supabaseに接続できます。
Cloudflare WorkersからTCPソケットを作成する新しいAPI「connect()」を発表
Smart Placementは、設定不要でバックエンドの近くにコードを移動することでアプリケーションを高速化します
エンドユーザーに近いところでコンピューティングを実行することが、パフォーマンスを向上させるための正しい答えとは限りません。Smart Placement for Workers and Pagesにより、エンドユーザーに近い場所、バックエンドのサービスやデータに近い場所など、最適な場所にコンピューティングを配置できます。
Developer Weekパフォーマンスアップデート:R2への着目
ストレージからオブジェクトを取り出すには、高速である必要があります。R2は、パブリックアクセスでメディアコンテンツを提供する場合、Amazon S3よりも20~40%高速です。
Create Cloudflare CLI(C3)は、CLI経由でCloudflareを設定するための単一のエントリポイントを提供するWranglerの付属CLIです。フレームワークを選ぶと、すべてのnpmの依存関係がインストールされ、アプリケーションがデプロイされた場所のURLを受け取ることができます。
Cloudflare Workersでの、まったく新しいクイック編集
QuickEdit for Workers powered by VSCodeは、ダッシュボード上で直接Workersを編集するための使い慣れた環境を提供します。
Cloudflare WorkersとPagesに、統合された開発者エクスペリエンスをもたらす
Cloudflare Pagesでの構築におけるツールボックスをさらに洗練されたものに
本番環境をできるだけ模倣したローカル開発環境を用意することで、本番で期待通りの動作を保証できます。デプロイメントの前にあらゆる面でテストが可能です。Wrangler 3では、「local-by-default」(デフォルトでローカルの状態)の開発でworkerdをベースにしたMiniflare3を活用するようになりました。
Cloudflare Workersでより多くのNode.js APIに対応—stream, Path, StringDecoder
Workers for Platformの1年目を振り返り、今後の展開や、ShopifyやGrafbaseなどのお客様がどのようにWorkers for Platformを利用して構築しているかを特集します。
Cloudflare Queues:コンシューマーコンカレンシーと明示的確認応答により、自在なスピードでメッセージ
Workers Browser Rendering APIがオープンベータに
Cloudflare TVで視聴する
発表内容を見逃した方、またはブログ執筆者が各発表内容を紹介するCloudflare TVの関連セグメントをご覧になりたい方は、Cloudflare.TVでDeveloper Weekのビデオをすべてご覧いただけます。