One of the more interesting features introduced by TLS 1.3, the latest revision of the TLS protocol, was the so called “zero roundtrip time connection resumption”, a mode of operation that allows a client to start sending application data, such as HTTP requests, without having to wait for the TLS handshake to complete, thus reducing the latency penalty incurred in establishing a new connection.
The basic idea behind 0-RTT connection resumption is that if the client and server had previously established a TLS connection between each other, they can use information cached from that session to establish a new one without having to negotiate the connection’s parameters from scratch. Notably this allows the client to compute the private encryption keys required to protect application data before even talking to the server.
However, in the case of TLS, “zero roundtrip” only refers to the TLS handshake itself: the client and server are still required to first establish a TCP connection in order to be able to exchange TLS data.

Zero means zero
QUIC goes a step further, and allows clients to send application data in the very first roundtrip of the connection, without requiring any other handshake to be completed beforehand.

After all, QUIC already shaved a full round-trip off of a typical connection’s handshake by merging the transport and cryptographic handshakes into one. By reducing the handshake by an additional roundtrip, QUIC achieves real 0-RTT connection establishment.
It literally can’t get any faster!
Attack of the clones
Unfortunately, 0-RTT connection resumption is not all smooth sailing, and it comes with caveats and risks, which is why Cloudflare does not enable 0-RTT connection resumption by default. Users should consider the risks involved and decide whether to use this feature or not.
For starters, 0-RTT connection resumption does not provide forward secrecy, meaning that a compromise of the secret parameters of a connection will trivially allow compromising the application data sent during the 0-RTT phase of new connections resumed from it. Data sent after the 0-RTT phase, meaning after the handshake has been completed, would still be safe though, as TLS 1.3 (and QUIC) will still perform the normal key exchange algorithm (which is forward secret) for data sent after the handshake completion.
More worryingly, application data sent during 0-RTT can be captured by an on-path attacker and then replayed multiple times to the same server. In many cases this is not a problem, as the attacker wouldn’t be able to decrypt the data, which is why 0-RTT connection resumption is useful, but in some cases this can be dangerous.
For example, imagine a bank that allows an authenticated user (e.g. using HTTP cookies, or other HTTP authentication mechanisms) to send money from their account to another user by making an HTTP request to a specific API endpoint. If an attacker was able to capture that request when 0-RTT connection resumption was used, they wouldn’t be able to see the plaintext and get the user’s credentials, because they wouldn’t know the secret key used to encrypt the data; however they could still potentially drain that user’s bank account by replaying the same request over and over:

Of course this problem is not specific to banking APIs: any non-idempotent request has the potential to cause undesired side effects, ranging from slight malfunctions to serious security breaches.
In order to help mitigate this risk, Cloudflare will always reject 0-RTT requests that are obviously not idempotent (like POST or PUT requests), but in the end it’s up to the application sitting behind Cloudflare to decide which requests can and cannot be allowed with 0-RTT connection resumption, as even innocuous-looking ones can have side effects on the origin server.
To help origins detect and potentially disallow specific requests, Cloudflare also follows the techniques described in RFC8470. Notably, Cloudflare will add the Early-Data: 1
HTTP header to requests received during 0-RTT resumption that are forwarded to origins.
Origins able to understand this header can then decide to answer the request with the 425 (Too Early) HTTP status code, which will instruct the client that originated the request to retry sending the same request but only after the TLS or QUIC handshake have fully completed, at which point there is no longer any risk of replay attacks. This could even be implemented as part of a Cloudflare Worker.

This makes it possible for origins to allow 0-RTT requests for endpoints that are safe, such as a website’s index page which is where 0-RTT is most useful, as that is typically the first request a browser makes after establishing a connection, while still protecting other endpoints such as APIs and form submissions. But if an origin does not provide any of those non-idempotent endpoints, no action is required.
One stop shop for all your 0-RTT needs
Just like we previously did for TLS 1.3, we now support 0-RTT resumption for QUIC as well. In honor of this event, we have dusted off the user-interface controls that allow Cloudflare users to enable this feature for their websites, and introduced a dedicated toggle to control whether 0-RTT connection resumption is enabled or not, which can be found under the “Network” tab on the Cloudflare dashboard:

When TLS 1.3 and/or QUIC (via the HTTP/3 toggle) are enabled, 0-RTT connection resumption will be automatically offered to clients that support it, and the replay mitigation mentioned above will also be applied to the connections making use of this feature.
In addition, if you are a user of our open-source HTTP/3 patch for NGINX, after updating the patch to the latest version, you’ll be able to enable support for 0-RTT connection resumption in your own NGINX-based HTTP/3 deployment by using the built-in “ssl_early_data” option, which will work for both TLS 1.3 and QUIC+HTTP/3.