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QUIC action: patching a broadcast address amplification vulnerability


7 min read
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Cloudflare was recently contacted by a group of anonymous security researchers who discovered a broadcast amplification vulnerability through their QUIC Internet measurement research. Our team collaborated with these researchers through our Public Bug Bounty program, and worked to fully patch a dangerous vulnerability that affected our infrastructure.

Since being notified about the vulnerability, we've implemented a mitigation to help secure our infrastructure. According to our analysis, we have fully patched this vulnerability and the amplification vector no longer exists. 

Summary of the amplification attack

QUIC is an Internet transport protocol that is encrypted by default. It offers equivalent features to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and TLS (Transport Layer Security), while using a shorter handshake sequence that helps reduce connection establishment times. QUIC runs over UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

The researchers found that a single client QUIC Initial packet targeting a broadcast IP destination address could trigger a large response of initial packets. This manifested as both a server CPU amplification attack and a reflection amplification attack.

Transport and security handshakes

When using TCP and TLS there are two handshake interactions. First, is the TCP 3-way transport handshake. A client sends a SYN packet to a server, it responds with a SYN-ACK to the client, and the client responds with an ACK. This process validates the client IP address. Second, is the TLS security handshake. A client sends a ClientHello to a server, it carries out some cryptographic operations and responds with a ServerHello containing a server certificate. The client verifies the certificate, confirms the handshake and sends application traffic such as an HTTP request.

QUIC follows a similar process, however the sequence is shorter because the transport and security handshake is combined. A client sends an Initial packet containing a ClientHello to a server, it carries out some cryptographic operations and responds with an Initial packet containing a ServerHello with a server certificate. The client verifies the certificate and then sends application data.

The QUIC handshake does not require client IP address validation before starting the security handshake. This means there is a risk that an attacker could spoof a client IP and cause a server to do cryptographic work and send data to a target victim IP (aka a reflection attack). RFC 9000 is careful to describe the risks this poses and provides mechanisms to reduce them (for example, see Sections 8 and 9.3.1). Until a client address is verified, a server employs an anti-amplification limit, sending a maximum of 3x as many bytes as it has received. Furthermore, a server can initiate address validation before engaging in the cryptographic handshake by responding with a Retry packet. The retry mechanism, however, adds an additional round-trip to the QUIC handshake sequence, negating some of its benefits compared to TCP. Real-world QUIC deployments use a range of strategies and heuristics to detect traffic loads and enable different mitigations.

In order to understand how the researchers triggered an amplification attack despite these QUIC guardrails, we first need to dive into how IP broadcast works.

Broadcast addresses

In Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addressing, the final address in any given subnet is a special broadcast IP address used to send packets to every node within the IP address range. Every node that is within the same subnet receives any packet that is sent to the broadcast address, enabling one sender to send a message that can be “heard” by potentially hundreds of adjacent nodes. This behavior is enabled by default in most network-connected systems and is critical for discovery of devices within the same IPv4 network.

The broadcast address by nature poses a risk of DDoS amplification; for every one packet sent, hundreds of nodes have to process the traffic. 

Dealing with the expected broadcast

To combat the risk posed by broadcast addresses, by default most routers reject packets originating from outside their IP subnet which are targeted at the broadcast address of networks for which they are locally connected. Broadcast packets are only allowed to be forwarded within the same IP subnet, preventing attacks from the Internet from targeting servers across the world.

The same techniques are not generally applied when a given router is not directly connected to a given subnet. So long as an address is not locally treated as a broadcast address, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) or other routing protocols will continue to route traffic from external IPs toward the last IPv4 address in a subnet. Essentially, this means a “broadcast address” is only relevant within a local scope of routers and hosts connected together via Ethernet. To routers and hosts across the Internet, a broadcast IP address is routed in the same way as any other IP.

Binding IP address ranges to hosts

Each Cloudflare server is expected to be capable of serving content from every website on the Cloudflare network. Because our network utilizes Anycast routing, each server necessarily needs to be listening on (and capable of returning traffic from) every Anycast IP address in use on our network.

To do so, we take advantage of the loopback interface on each server. Unlike a physical network interface, all IP addresses within a given IP address range are made available to the host (and will be processed locally by the kernel) when bound to the loopback interface.

The mechanism by which this works is straightforward. In a traditional routing environment, longest prefix matching is employed to select a route. Under longest prefix matching, routes towards more specific blocks of IP addresses (such as, a range of 8 addresses) will be selected over routes to less specific blocks of IP addresses (such as, a range of 256 addresses).

While Linux utilizes longest prefix matching, it consults an additional step — the Routing Policy Database (RPDB) — before immediately searching for a match. The RPDB contains a list of routing tables which can contain routing information and their individual priorities. The default RPDB looks like this:

$ ip rule show
0:	from all lookup local
32766:	from all lookup main
32767:	from all lookup default

Linux will consult each routing table in ascending numerical order to try and find a matching route. Once one is found, the search is terminated and the route immediately used.

If you’ve previously worked with routing rules on Linux, you are likely familiar with the contents of the main table. Contrary to the existence of the table named “default”, “main” generally functions as the default lookup table. It is also the one which contains what we traditionally associate with route table information:

$ ip route show table main
default via dev eth0 onlink dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src

This is, however, not the first routing table that will be consulted for a given lookup. Instead, that task falls to the local table:

$ ip route show table local
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
local dev eth0 proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src

Looking at the table, we see two new types of routes — local and broadcast. As their names would suggest, these routes dictate two distinctly different functions: routes that are handled locally and routes that will result in a packet being broadcast. Local routes provide the desired functionality — any prefix with a local route will have all IP addresses in the range processed by the kernel. Broadcast routes will result in a packet being broadcast to all IP addresses within the given range. Both types of routes are added automatically when an IP address is bound to an interface (and, when a range is bound to the loopback (lo) interface, the range itself will be added as a local route).

Vulnerability discovery

Deployments of QUIC are highly dependent on the load-balancing and packet forwarding infrastructure that they sit on top of. Although QUIC’s RFCs describe risks and mitigations, there can still be attack vectors depending on the nature of server deployments. The reporting researchers studied QUIC deployments across the Internet and discovered that sending a QUIC Initial packet to one of Cloudflare’s broadcast addresses triggered a flood of responses. The aggregate amount of response data exceeded the RFC's 3x amplification limit.

Taking a look at the local routing table of an example Cloudflare system, we see a potential culprit:

$ ip route show table local
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
local dev eth0 proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src

On this example system, the anycast prefix has been bound to the loopback interface (lo) through the use of standard tooling. Acting dutifully under the standards of IPv4, the tooling has assigned both special types of routes — a local one for the IP range itself and a broadcast one for the final address in the range — to the interface.

While traffic to the broadcast address of our router’s directly connected subnet is filtered as expected, broadcast traffic targeting our routed anycast prefixes still arrives at our servers themselves. Normally, broadcast traffic arriving at the loopback interface does little to cause problems. Services bound to a specific port across an entire range will receive data sent to the broadcast address and continue as normal. Unfortunately, this relatively simple trait breaks down when normal expectations are broken.

Cloudflare’s frontend consists of several worker processes, each of which independently binds to the entire anycast range on UDP port 443. In order to enable multiple processes to bind to the same port, we use the SO_REUSEPORT socket option. While SO_REUSEPORT has additional benefits, it also causes traffic sent to the broadcast address to be copied to every listener.

Each individual QUIC server worker operates in isolation. Each one reacted to the same client Initial, duplicating the work on the server side and generating response traffic to the client's IP address. Thus, a single packet could trigger a significant amplification. While specifics will vary by implementation, a typical one-listener-per-core stack (which sends retries in response to presumed timeouts) on a 128-core system could result in 384 replies being generated and sent for each packet sent to the broadcast address.

Although the researchers demonstrated this attack on QUIC, the underlying vulnerability can affect other UDP request/response protocols that use sockets in the same way.


As a communication methodology, broadcast is not generally desirable for anycast prefixes. Thus, the easiest method to mitigate the issue was simply to disable broadcast functionality for the final address in each range.

Ideally, this would be done by modifying our tooling to only add the local routes in the local routing table, skipping the inclusion of the broadcast ones altogether. Unfortunately, the only practical mechanism to do so would involve patching and maintaining our own internal fork of the iproute2 suite, a rather heavy-handed solution for the problem at hand.

Instead, we decided to focus on removing the route itself. Similar to any other route, it can be removed using standard tooling:

$ sudo ip route del table local

To do so at scale, we made a relatively minor change to our deployment system:

  {%- for lo_route in lo_routes %}
    {%- if lo_route.type == "broadcast" %}
        # All broadcast addresses are implicitly ipv4
        {%- do remove_route({
        "dev": "lo",
        "dst": lo_route.dst,
        "type": "broadcast",
        "src": lo_route.src,
        }) %}
    {%- endif %}
  {%- endfor %}

In doing so, we effectively ensure that all broadcast routes attached to the loopback interface are removed, mitigating the risk by ensuring that the specification-defined broadcast address is treated no differently than any other address in the range.

Next steps 

While the vulnerability specifically affected broadcast addresses within our anycast range, it likely expands past our infrastructure. Anyone with infrastructure that meets the relatively narrow criteria (a multi-worker, multi-listener UDP-based service that is bound to all IP addresses on a machine with routable IP prefixes attached in such a way as to expose the broadcast address) will be affected unless mitigations are in place. We encourage network administrators and security professionals to assess their systems for configurations that may present a local amplification attack vector.

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