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Dublin, Ireland: CloudFlare's 38th data center


2 min read

Top of the morning to our users and readers from Ireland! Our latest PoP in Dublin is our 38th globally, and 14th in Europe following our Bucharest deployment last week. As of yesterday, traffic from Ireland's 3.6 million Internet users will now be routed through Dublin as opposed to our London PoP (which will still serve as a point of redundancy).

Silicon Docks

By now you've heard of Silicon Valley, Silicon Alley, and possibly even Silicon Prairie, but across the pond there's another tech hub making quite a name for itself. Silicon Docks, the Dublin neighborhood bordering the Grand Canal Docks, is home to the European headquarters of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, AirBnb, LinkedIn and CloudFlare customer, Yelp, just to name a few. While our own European headquarters is in London, Dublin's exploding tech scene made it an obvious choice for a new PoP.

Clearly our focus was more on helping #savetheweb than on the photo itself...

Dublin is also near to our hearts as the home of CloudFlare customers Web Summit and F.ounders, two of the world's premier tech conferences. Visitors to the 2012 Web Summit and F.ounders events may even remember being greeted by CloudFlare (see photo above) as they passed through the Dublin Airport.

Nope, not in a castle

Readers of our last post were asked to guess which future CloudFlare PoP will be housed in a castle-turned-data center. It isn't our Dublin facility, a modern tier-4 data center, which means 1) the "contest" continues and 2) more expansion is soon to come. But before we get to our castle, we have a big announcement coming very soon. Stay tuned!

— The CloudFlare team

Photo source: Miguel Mendez; images used under creative commons license.

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