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Email Routing is now in open beta, available to everyone


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Email Routing is now in open beta, available to everyone

I won’t beat around the bush: we’ve moved Cloudflare Email Routing from closed beta to open beta ?

What does this mean? It means that there’s no waitlist anymore; every zone* in every Cloudflare account has Email Routing available to them.

To get started just open one of the zones in your Cloudflare Dashboard and click on Email in the navigation pane.

Our journey so far

Back in September 2021, during Cloudflare’s Birthday Week, we introduced Email Routing as the simplest solution for creating custom email addresses for your domains without the hassle of managing multiple mailboxes.

Many of us at Cloudflare saw a need for this type of product, and we’ve been using it since before it had a UI. After Birthday Week, we started gradually opening it to Cloudflare customers that requested access through the wait list; starting with just a few users per week and gradually ramping up access as we found and fixed edge cases.

Most recently, with users wanting to set up Email Routing for more of their domains and with some of G Suite legacy users looking for an alternative to starting a subscription, we have been onboarding tens of thousands of new zones every day into the closed beta. We’re loving the adoption and the feedback!

Needless to say that with hundreds of thousands of zones from around the world in the Email Routing beta we uncovered many new use cases and a few limitations, a couple of which still exist. But these few months of closed beta gave us the confidence to move to the next stage - open beta - which now makes Cloudflare Email Routing available to everyone, including free zones.

Thank you to all of you that were part of the closed beta and provided feedback. We couldn’t be more excited to welcome everyone else!

Check out this blog post for more details on how to migrate to Cloudflare Email Routing. And if you have any questions or feedback about this product, please come see us in the Cloudflare Community and the Cloudflare Discord.


*we do have a few limitations, such as not currently supporting Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and subdomains. Known limitations are listed in the documentation.

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João Sousa Botto|@jsbotto

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