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Jake Anderson

Jake Anderson

#BetterInternet: Join the Movement


BrandBetter Internet

When it comes to awareness of Cloudflare, it seems most folks fall into one of three camps: 1) those who don’t know much about Cloudflare, 2) those who are familiar with one or two of our solutions, and 3) those who understand the full breadth of Cloudflare’s global cloud network....

Birthday Week Wrap-Up: Every day is launch day at Cloudflare


Birthday WeekProduct NewsRegistrarCloudflare WorkersCloudflare Workers KVServerlessQUICBandwidth AllianceBandwidth CostsSecurityCryptographyDevelopersDeveloper Platform

Our customers are accustomed to us launching new services, features, and functionality at a feverish pace, but recently, we’ve been especially active. This week we celebrated our 8th Birthday Week by announcing new offerings that benefit our customers and the global Internet community....