More NPM packages on Cloudflare Workers: Combining polyfills and native code to support Node.js APIs
Workers now supports more NPM packages and Node.js APIs using an overhauled hybrid compatibility layer....
Workers now supports more NPM packages and Node.js APIs using an overhauled hybrid compatibility layer....
You can now use your framework’s development server while accessing D1 databases, R2 object stores, AI models, and more. Iterate locally in milliseconds to build sophisticated web apps that run on Cloudflare...
Today, we’re launching four improvements to Pages that bring functionality previously restricted to Workers, with the goal of unifying the development experience between the two. Support for monorepos, wrangler.toml, new additions to Next.js support and database integrations...
Angular, Astro, Next, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, Solid, Svelte, Vue on Cloudflare? Deployed globally, even “beyond the edge”, with a single command? And all for $0 or a fraction of the usual cost? Try: npm create cloudflare...
Page Functions are now out of beta, bringing the ability to add dynamic server-side rendering to your applications. Pages makes it easy to deploy applications built using all the major frameworks....
With Cloudflare Workers, our fragment-based micro-frontend architecture, and fragment piercing technique, engineering teams can incrementally improve large frontends in a fraction of the time, yielding significant user and developer experience gains....
In this blog-post we demonstrate how hosting and combining multiple server-side rendered micro-frontends on Cloudflare Workers offer a highly scalable, high performance solution to these problems...