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London & Barcelona developers, we want to meet you this week


3 min read

Aerial view of Big Ben and the Parliament building with the city scape in the background
Photo by Jamie Street / Unsplash

Are you based in London or Barcelona? Drop by the Cloudflare London office to meet Kenton Varda, lead architect of Cloudflare Workers, front end developers Marta Bondyra and David Sancho from Typeform, or drop by the Typeform office in Barcelona to hear from Jason Harmon, Typeform’s Chief Platform Officer. My Developer Relations teammates and I are visiting these cities over the next two weeks. We’d love to meet you and invite you to the three events we’re hosting.

Our first stop is the Cloudflare London office. Developers from our Cloudflare Apps partner, Typeform, are leading a talk on Tuesday, March 27th. The lead architect of Cloudflare Workers, Kenton Varda, is going to lead a follow-up talk about edge computing on Wednesday, March 28th.

Event #1: Building for a tech audience: Great dev lessons for adventurous makers


Tuesday, March 27th: 18:00-20:00

Location: Cloudflare London - 25 Lavington St, Second floor | SE1 0NZ London

Creating software from scratch, although fun, can be time consuming and expensive. Marta and David, both developers at Typeform, will tell you why their teams built tools to make the lives of developers a little easier and what they learned along the way.

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Event #2: The Rise of Edge Compute


Wednesday, March 28th: 18:00-20:00

Location: Cloudflare London - 25 Lavington St, Second floor | SE1 0NZ London

Edge Compute is the future of how complex software systems will be designed and built. Join Kenton Varda, the tech lead and architect for the Cloudflare Workers project, as he lays out our vision for the future of the Internet as a platform and provides a detailed look at the architecture of Workers.

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Photo by Javier Bosch / Unsplash

Our second stop of the trip is Typeform's office in Barcelona. Here, the Cloudflare team will speak about performance and security after an introductory talk by Typeform's Chief Platform Officer on Tuesday, April 3rd.

Event #3: Cyber Security & Web Performance: The New Landscape


Tuesday, April 3rd: 18:00-20:15

Location: Typeform - Carrer de Bac de Roda, 163 | 08018 Barcelona

Learn about the technologies behind cutting-edge performance, security, and edge development solutions. Jason Harmon, the Chief Platform Officer at Typeform, will open with a keynote talk. Connor Peshek and Jade Wang, both from Cloudflare, will cover topics relating to the way a network stays connected, web acceleration, mobile network optimization, and the future of edge compute.

View Event Details & Register Here »

We'll hope to meet you soon!

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Andrew Fitch|@fitchaj

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