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Building a GraphQL server on the edge with Cloudflare Workers


2 min read

Today, we're open-sourcing an exciting project that showcases the strengths of our Cloudflare Workers platform: workers-graphql-server is a batteries-included Apollo GraphQL server, designed to get you up and running quickly with GraphQL.

Testing GraphQL queries in the GraphQL Playground

As a full-stack developer, I’m really excited about GraphQL. I love building user interfaces with React, but as a project gets more complex, it can become really difficult to manage how your data is managed inside an application. GraphQL makes that really easy — instead of having to recall the REST URL structure of your backend API, or remember when your backend server doesn't quite follow REST conventions — you just tell GraphQL what data you want, and it takes care of the rest.

Cloudflare Workers is uniquely suited as a platform to being an incredible place to host a GraphQL server. Because your code is running on Cloudflare's servers around the world, the average latency for your requests is extremely low, and by using Wrangler, our open-source command line tool for building and managing Workers projects, you can deploy new versions of your GraphQL server around the world within seconds.

If you'd like to try the GraphQL server, check out a demo GraphQL playground, deployed on This optional add-on to the GraphQL server allows you to experiment with GraphQL queries and mutations, giving you a super powerful way to understand how to interface with your data, without having to hop into a codebase.

If you're ready to get started building your own GraphQL server with our new open-source project, we've added a new tutorial to our Workers documentation to help you get up and running — check it out here!

Finally, if you're interested in how the project works, or want to help contribute — it's open-source! We'd love to hear your feedback and see your contributions. Check out the project on GitHub.

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Cloudflare WorkersServerlessGraphQLDevelopersJavaScriptDeveloper Platform

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Kristian Freeman|@kristianf_

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