Today, we are excited to announce that we have contributed an implementation of the URLPattern API to Node.js, and it is available starting with the v23.8.0 update. We've done this by adding our URLPattern implementation to Ada URL, the high-performance URL parser that now powers URL handling in both Node.js and Cloudflare Workers. This marks an important step toward bringing this API to the broader JavaScript ecosystem.
Cloudflare Workers has, from the beginning, embraced a standards-based JavaScript programming model, and Cloudflare was one of the founding companies for what has evolved into ECMA's 55th Technical Committee, focusing on interoperability between Web-interoperable runtimes like Workers, Node.js, Deno, and others. This contribution highlights and marks our commitment to this ongoing philosophy. Ensuring that all the JavaScript runtimes work consistently and offer at least a minimally consistent set of features is critical to ensuring the ongoing health of the ecosystem as a whole.
URLPattern API contribution is just one example of Cloudflare’s ongoing commitment to the open-source ecosystem. We actively contribute to numerous open-source projects including Node.js, V8, and Ada URL, while also maintaining our own open-source initiatives like workerd and wrangler. By upstreaming improvements to foundational technologies that power the web, we strengthen the entire developer ecosystem while ensuring consistent features across JavaScript runtimes. This collaborative approach reflects our belief that open standards and shared implementations benefit everyone - reducing fragmentation, improving developer experience and creating a better Internet.
What is URLPattern?
URLPattern is a standard published by the WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) which provides a pattern-matching system for URLs. This specification is available at The API provides developers with an easy-to-use, regular expression (regex)-based approach to handling route matching, with built-in support for named parameters, wildcards, and more complex pattern matching that works uniformly across all URL components.
URLPattern is part of the WinterTC Minimum Common API, a soon-to-be standardized subset of web platform APIs designed to ensure interoperability across JavaScript runtimes, particularly for server-side and non-browser environments, and includes other APIs such as URL and URLSearchParams.
Cloudflare Workers has supported URLPattern for a number of years now, reflecting our commitment to enabling developers to use standard APIs across both browsers and server-side JavaScript runtimes. Contributing to Node.js and unifying the URLPattern implementation simplifies the ecosystem by reducing fragmentation, while at the same time improving our own implementation in Cloudflare Workers by making it faster and more specification compliant.
The following example demonstrates how URLPattern is used by creating a pattern that matches URLs with a “/blog/:year/:month/:slug” path structure, then tests if one specific URL string matches this pattern, and extracts the named parameters from a second URL using the exec method.
const pattern = new URLPattern({
pathname: '/blog/:year/:month/:slug'
if (pattern.test('')) {
console.log('Match found!');
const result = pattern.exec('');
console.log(result.pathname.groups.year); // "2025"
console.log(result.pathname.groups.month); // "03"
console.log(result.pathname.groups.slug); // "urlpattern-launch"
The URLPattern constructor accepts pattern strings or objects defining patterns for individual URL components. The test()
method returns a boolean indicating if a URL simply matches the pattern. The exec()
method provides detailed match results including captured groups. Behind this simple API, there’s sophisticated machinery working behind the scenes:
When a URLPattern is used, it internally breaks down a URL, matching it against eight distinct components: protocol, username, password, hostname, port, pathname, search, and hash. This component-based approach gives the developer control over which parts of a URL to match.
Upon creation of the instance, URLPattern parses your input patterns for each component and compiles them internally into eight specialized regular expressions (one for each component type). This compilation step happens just once when you create an URLPattern object, optimizing subsequent matching operations.
During a match operation (whether using
), these regular expressions are used to determine if the input matches the given properties. Thetest()
method tells you if there’s a match, whileexec()
provides detailed information about what was matched, including any named capture groups from your pattern.
Fixing things along the way
While implementing URLPattern, we discovered some inconsistencies between the specification and the web-platform tests, a cross-browser test suite maintained by all major browsers to test conformance to web standard specifications. For instance, we found that URLs with non-special protocols (opaque-paths) and URLs with invalid characters in hostnames were not correctly defined and processed within the URLPattern specification. We worked actively with the Chromium and the Safari teams to address these issues.
URLPatterns constructed from hostname components that contain newline or tab characters were expected to fail in the corresponding web-platform tests. This was due to an inconsistency with the original URLPattern implementation and the URLPattern specification.
const pattern = new URL({ "hostname": "bad\nhostname" });
const matched = pattern.test({ "hostname": "badhostname" });
// This now returns true.
We opened several issues to document these inconsistencies and followed up with a pull-request to fix the specification, ensuring that all implementations will eventually converge on the same corrected behavior. This also resulted in fixing several inconsistencies in web-platform tests, particularly around handling certain types of white space (such as newline or tab characters) in hostnames.
Getting started with URLPattern
If you’re interested in using URLPattern today, you can:
Use it natively in modern browsers by accessing the global URLPattern class
Try it in Cloudflare Workers (which has had URLPattern support for some time, now with improved spec compliance and performance)
Try it in Node.js, starting from v23.8.0
Try it in NativeScript on iOS and Android, starting from v8.9.0
Try it in Deno
Here is a more complex example showing how URLPattern can be used for routing in a Cloudflare Worker — a common use case when building API endpoints or web applications that need to handle different URL paths efficiently and differently. The following example shows a pattern for REST APIs that matches both “/users” and “/users/:userId”
const routes = [
new URLPattern({ pathname: '/users{/:userId}?' }),
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise<Response> {
const url = new URL(request.url);
for (const route of routes) {
const match = route.exec(url);
if (match) {
const { userId } = match.pathname.groups;
if (userId) {
return new Response(`User ID: ${userId}`);
return new Response('List of users');
// No matching route found
return new Response('Not Found', { status: 404 });
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;
What does the future hold?
The contribution of URLPattern to Ada URL and Node.js is just the beginning. We’re excited about the possibilities this opens up for developers across different JavaScript environments.
In the future, we expect to contribute additional improvements to URLPattern’s performance, enabling more use cases for web application routing. Additionally, efforts to standardize the URLPatternList proposal will help deliver faster matching capabilities for server-side runtimes. We’re excited about these developments and encourage you to try URLPattern in your projects today.
Try it and let us know what you think by creating an issue on the workerd repository. Your feedback is invaluable as we work to further enhance URLPattern.
We hope to do our part to build a unified Javascript ecosystem, and encourage others to do the same. This may mean looking for opportunities, such as we have with URLPattern, to share API implementations across backend runtimes. It could mean using or contributing to web-platform-tests if you are working on a server-side runtime or web-standard APIs, or it might mean joining WinterTC to help define web-interoperable standards for server-side JavaScript.