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Jakub Sitnicki

Jakub Sitnicki

The tale of a single register value


Deep Dive

It’s not every day that you get to debug what may well be a packet of death. It was certainly the first time for me. What do I mean by “a packet of death”? A software bug where the network stack crashes in reaction to a single received network packet, taking down the whole operating system with it. ...

It's crowded in here!



We recently gave a presentation on Programming socket lookup with BPF at the Linux Plumbers Conference 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal. This blog post is a recap of the problem statement and proposed solution we presented....

eBPF can't count?!



It is unlikely we can tell you anything new about the extended Berkeley Packet Filter, eBPF for short, if you've read all the great man pages, docs, guides, and some of our blogs out there. But we can tell you a war story, who doesn't like those? ...