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Some TXT about, and A PTR to, new DNS insights on Cloudflare Radar


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No joke – Cloudflare's resolver was launched on April Fool's Day in 2018. Over the last seven years, this highly performant and privacy-conscious service has grown to handle an average of 1.9 Trillion queries per day from approximately 250 locations (countries/regions) around the world. Aggregated analysis of this traffic provides us with unique insight into Internet activity that goes beyond simple Web traffic trends, and we currently use analysis of data to power Radar's Domains page, as well as the Radar Domain Rankings.

In December 2022, Cloudflare joined the AS112 Project, which helps the Internet deal with misdirected DNS queries. In March 2023, we launched an AS112 statistics page on Radar, providing insight into traffic trends and query types for this misdirected traffic. Extending the basic analysis presented on that page, and building on the analysis of resolver data used for the Domains page, today we are excited to launch a dedicated DNS page on Cloudflare Radar to provide increased visibility into aggregate traffic and usage trends seen across resolver traffic. In addition to looking at global, location, and autonomous system (ASN) traffic trends, we are also providing perspectives on protocol usage, query and response characteristics, and DNSSEC usage.

The traffic analyzed for this new page may come from users that have manually configured their devices or local routers to use as a resolver, ISPs that set as the default resolver for their subscribers, ISPs that use as a resolver upstream from their own, or users that have installed Cloudflare’s app on their device. The traffic analysis is based on anonymised DNS query logs, in accordance with Cloudflare’s Privacy Policy, as well as our Public DNS Resolver privacy commitments.

Below, we walk through the sections of Radar’s new DNS page, reviewing the included graphs and the importance of the metrics they present. The data and trends shown within these graphs will vary based on the location or network that the aggregated queries originate from, as well as on the selected time frame.

As with many Radar metrics, the DNS page leads with traffic trends, showing normalized query volume at a worldwide level (default), or from the selected location or autonomous system (ASN). Similar to other Radar traffic-based graphs, the time period shown can be adjusted using the date picker, and for the default selections (last 24 hours, last 7 days, etc.), a comparison with traffic seen over the previous period is also plotted.

For location-level views (such as Latvia, in the example below), a table showing the top five ASNs by query volume is displayed alongside the graph. Showing the network’s share of queries from the selected location, the table provides insights into the providers whose users are generating the most traffic to

When a country/region is selected, in addition to showing an aggregate traffic graph for that location, we also show query volumes for the country code top level domain (ccTLD) associated with that country. The graph includes a line showing worldwide query volume for that ccTLD, as well as a line showing the query volume based on queries from the associated location. Anguilla’s ccTLD is .ai, and is a popular choice among the growing universe of AI-focused companies. While most locations see a gap between the worldwide and “local” query volume for their ccTLD, Anguilla’s is rather significant — as the graph below illustrates, this size of the gap is driven by both the popularity of the ccTLD and Anguilla’s comparatively small user base. (Traffic for .ai domains from Anguilla is shown by the dark blue line at the bottom of the graph.) Similarly, sizable gaps are seen with other “popular” ccTLDs as well, such as .io (British Indian Ocean Territory), .fm (Federated States of Micronesia), and .co (Colombia). A higher “local” ccTLD query volume in other locations results in smaller gaps when compared to the worldwide query volume.

Depending on the strength of the signal (that is, the volume of traffic) from a given location or ASN, this data can also be used to corroborate reported Internet outages or shutdowns, or reported blocking of For example, the graph below illustrates the result of Venezuelan provider CANTV reportedly blocking access to for its subscribers. A comparable drop is visible for Supercable, another Venezuelan provider that also reportedly blocked access to Cloudflare’s resolver around the same time.

Individual domain pages (like the one for cloudflare.com, for example) have long had a choropleth map and accompanying table showing the popularity of the domain by location, based on the share of DNS queries for that domain from each location. A similar view is included at the bottom of the worldwide overview page, based on the share of total global queries to from each location.

Query and response characteristics

While traffic trends are always interesting and important to track, analysis of the characteristics of queries to and the associated responses can provide insights into the adoption of underlying transport protocols, record type popularity, cacheability, and security.

Published in November 1987, RFC 1035 notes that “The Internet supports name server access using TCP [RFC-793] on server port 53 (decimal) as well as datagram access using UDP [RFC-768] on UDP port 53 (decimal).” Over the subsequent three-plus decades, UDP has been the primary transport protocol for DNS queries, falling back to TCP for a limited number of use cases, such as when the response is too big to fit in a single UDP packet. However, as privacy has become a significantly greater concern, encrypted queries have been made possible through the specification of DNS over TLS (DoT) in 2016 and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) in 2018. Cloudflare’s resolver has supported both of these privacy-preserving protocols since launch. The DNS transport protocol graph shows the distribution of queries to over these four protocols. (Setting up on your device or router uses DNS over UDP by default, although recent versions of Android support DoT and DoH. The app uses DNS over HTTPS by default, and users can also configure their browsers to use DNS over HTTPS.)

Note that Cloudflare's resolver also services queries over DoH and Oblivious DoH (ODoH) for Mozilla and other large platforms, but this traffic is not currently included in our analysis. As such, DoH adoption is under-represented in this graph.

Aggregated worldwide between February 19 - February 26, distribution of transport protocols was 86.6% for UDP, 9.6% for DoT, 2.0% for TCP, and 1.7% for DoH. However, in some locations, these ratios may shift if users are more privacy conscious. For example, the graph below shows the distribution for Egypt over the same time period. In that country, the UDP and TCP shares are significantly lower than the global level, while the DoT and DoH shares are significantly higher, suggesting that users there may be more concerned about the privacy of their DNS queries than the global average, or that there is a larger concentration of users on Android devices who have set up using DoT manually. (The 2024 Cloudflare Radar Year in Review found that Android had an 85% mobile device traffic share in Egypt, so mobile device usage in the country leans very heavily toward Android.)

RFC 1035 also defined a number of standard and Internet specific resource record types that return the associated information about the submitted query name. The most common record types are A and AAAA, which return the hostname’s IPv4 and IPv6 addresses respectively (assuming they exist). The DNS query type graph below shows that globally, these two record types comprise on the order of 80% of the queries received by Among the others shown in the graph, HTTPS records can be used to signal HTTP/3 and HTTP/2 support, PTR records are used in reverse DNS records to look up a domain name based on a given IP address, and NS records indicate authoritative nameservers for a domain.

A response code is sent with each response from to the client. Six possible values were originally defined in RFC 1035, with the list further extended in RFC 2136 and RFC 2671. NOERROR, as the name suggests, means that no error condition was encountered with the query. Others, such as NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL, REFUSED, and NOTIMP define specific error conditions encountered when trying to resolve the requested query name. The response codes may be generated by itself (like REFUSED) or may come from an upstream authoritative nameserver (like NXDOMAIN).

The DNS response code graph shown below highlights that the vast majority of queries seen globally do not encounter an error during the resolution process (NOERROR), and that when errors are encountered, most are NXDOMAIN (no such record). It is worth noting that NOERROR also includes empty responses, which occur when there are no records for the query name and query type, but there are records for the query name and some other query type.

With DNS being a first-step dependency for many other protocols, the amount of queries of particular types can be used to indirectly measure the adoption of those protocols. But to effectively measure adoption, we should also consider the fraction of those queries that are met with useful responses, which are represented with the DNS record adoption graphs.

The example below shows that queries for A records are met with a useful response nearly 88% of the time. As IPv4 is an established protocol, the remaining 12% are likely to be queries for valid hostnames that have no A records (e.g. email domains that only have MX records). But the same graph also shows that there’s still a significant adoption gap where IPv6 is concerned.

When Cloudflare’s DNS resolver gets a response back from an upstream authoritative nameserver, it caches it for a specified amount of time — more on that below. By caching these responses, it can more efficiently serve subsequent queries for the same name. The DNS cache hit ratio graph provides insight into how frequently responses are served from cache. At a global level, as seen below, over 80% of queries have a response that is already cached. These ratios will vary by location or ASN, as the query patterns differ across geographies and networks.

As noted in the preceding paragraph, when an authoritative nameserver sends a response back to, each record inside it includes information about how long it should be cached/considered valid for. This piece of information is known as the Time-To-Live (TTL) and, as a response may contain multiple records, the smallest of these TTLs (the “minimum” TTL) defines how long can cache the entire response for. The TTLs on each response served from’s cache decrease towards zero as time passes, at which point needs to go back to the authoritative nameserver. Hostnames with relatively low TTL values suggest that the records may be somewhat dynamic, possibly due to traffic management of the associated resources; longer TTL values suggest that the associated resources are more stable and expected to change infrequently.

The DNS minimum TTL graphs show the aggregate distribution of TTL values for five popular DNS record types, broken out across seven buckets ranging from under one minute to over one week. During the third week of February, for example, A and AAAA responses had a concentration of low TTLs, with over 80% below five minutes. In contrast, NS and MX responses were more concentrated across 15 minutes to one hour and one hour to one day. Because MX and NS records change infrequently, they are generally configured with higher TTLs. This allows them to be cached for longer periods in order to achieve faster DNS resolution.

DNS security

DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) add an extra layer of authentication to DNS establishing the integrity and authenticity of a DNS response. This ensures subsequent HTTPS requests are not routed to a spoofed domain. When sending a query to, a DNS client can indicate that it is DNSSEC-aware by setting a specific flag (the “DO” bit) in the query, which lets our resolver know that it is OK to return DNSSEC data in the response. The DNSSEC client awareness graph breaks down the share of queries that sees from clients that understand DNSSEC and can require validation of responses vs. those that don’t. (Note that by default, tries to protect clients by always validating DNSSEC responses from authoritative nameservers and not forwarding invalid responses to clients, unless the client has explicitly told it not to by setting the “CD” (checking-disabled) bit in the query.)

Unfortunately, as the graph below shows, nearly 90% of the queries seen by Cloudflare’s resolver are made by clients that are not DNSSEC-aware. This broad lack of client awareness may be due to several factors. On the client side, DNSSEC is not enabled by default for most users, and enabling DNSSEC requires extra work, even for technically savvy and security conscious users. On the authoritative side, for domain owners, supporting DNSSEC requires extra operational maintenance and knowledge, and a mistake can cost your domain to disappear from the Internet, causing significant (including financial) issues.

The companion End-to-end security graph represents the fraction of DNS interactions that were protected from tampering, when considering the client’s DNSSEC capabilities and use of encryption (use of DoT or DoH). This shows an even greater imbalance at a global level, and highlights the importance of further adoption of encryption and DNSSEC.

For DNSSEC validation to occur, the query name being requested must be part of a DNSSEC-enabled domain, and the DNSSEC validation status graph represents the share of queries where that was the case under the Secure and Invalid labels. Queries for domains without DNSSEC are labeled as Insecure, and queries where DNSSEC validation was not applicable (such as various kinds of errors) fall under the Other label. Although nearly 93% of generic Top Level Domains (TLDs) and 65% of country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) are signed with DNSSEC (as of February 2025), the adoption rate across individual (child) domains lags significantly, as the graph below shows that over 80% of queries were labeled as Insecure.


DNS is a fundamental, foundational part of the Internet. While most Internet users don’t think of DNS beyond its role in translating easy-to-remember hostnames to IP addresses, there’s a lot going on to make even that happen, from privacy to performance to security. The new DNS page on Cloudflare Radar endeavors to provide visibility into what’s going on behind the scenes, at a global, national, and network level.

While the graphs shown above are taken from the DNS page, all the underlying data is available via the API and can be interactively explored in more detail across locations, networks, and time periods using Radar’s Data Explorer and AI Assistant. And as always, Radar and Data Assistant charts and graphs are downloadable for sharing, and embeddable for use in your own blog posts, websites, or dashboards.

If you share our DNS graphs on social media, be sure to tag us: @CloudflareRadar and @1111Resolver (X), noc.social/@cloudflareradar (Mastodon), and radar.cloudflare.com (Bluesky). If you have questions or comments, you can reach out to us on social media, or contact us via email.

Chúng tôi bảo vệ toàn bộ các mạng của công ty, giúp khách hàng xây dựng các ứng dụng quy mô Internet một cách hiệu quả, tăng tốc bất kỳ trang web hoặc ứng dụng Internet nào, ngăn chặn các cuộc tấn công DDoS, chặn tin tặc và có thể giúp bạn trong hành trình đến với Zero Trust.

Truy cập trên mọi thiết bị để bắt đầu sử dụng ứng dụng miễn phí của chúng tôi, giúp Internet của bạn nhanh hơn và an toàn hơn.

Để tìm hiểu thêm về sứ mệnh xây dựng Internet tốt hơn của chúng tôi, hãy bắt đầu tại đây. Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một định hướng nghề nghiệp mới, hãy xem các vị trí đang tuyển dụng của chúng tôi.

Theo dõi trên X

David Belson|@dbelson

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