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TLS 1.3 explained by the Cloudflare Crypto Team at 33c3


1 min read

Nick Sullivan and I gave a talk about TLS 1.3 at 33c3, the latest Chaos Communication Congress. The congress, attended by more that 13,000 hackers in Hamburg, has been one of the hallmark events of the security community for more than 30 years.

You can watch the recording below, or download it in multiple formats and languages on the CCC website.

The talk introduces TLS 1.3 and explains how it works in technical detail, why it is faster and more secure, and touches on its history and current status.

The slide deck is also online.

This was an expanded and updated version of the internal talk previously transcribed on this blog.

TLS 1.3 hits Chrome and Firefox Stable

In related news, TLS 1.3 is reaching a percentage of Chrome and Firefox users this week, so websites with the Cloudflare TLS 1.3 beta enabled will load faster and more securely for all those new users.

The last few days

You can enable the TLS 1.3 beta from the Crypto section of your control panel.

TLS 1.3 toggle

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TLS 1.3TLSSecurityChromeFirefoxBetaCryptography

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Filippo Valsorda|@filosottile

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