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Enhancing Zaraz support: introducing certified developers


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Enhancing Zaraz Support: Introducing Certified Developers

Setting up Cloudflare Zaraz on your website is a great way to load third-party tools and scripts, like analytics or conversion pixels, while keeping things secure and performant. The process can be a breeze if all you need is just to add a few tools to your website, but If your setup is complex and requires using click listeners, advanced triggers and variables, or, if you’re migrating a substantial container from Google Tag Manager, it can be quite an undertaking. We want to make sure customers going through this process receive all the support they need.

Historically, we've provided hands-on support and maintenance for Zaraz customers, helping them navigate the intricacies of this powerful tool. However, as Zaraz's popularity continues to surge, providing one-on-one support has become increasingly impractical.

Companies usually rely on agencies to manage their tags and marketing campaigns. These agencies often have specialized knowledge, can handle diverse client needs efficiently, scale resources as required, and may offer cost advantages compared to maintaining an in-house team. That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of the first round of certified Zaraz developers, aligning with the way other Tag Management software works. Our certified developers have undergone an intensive training program and passed an examination to prove their in-depth knowledge of Cloudflare Zaraz, including all the ins-and-outs of the tool.

These certified developers are now available to assist you with everything related to Zaraz, whether it's migration, configuration, or ongoing support. They are well-equipped to ensure that you get the most out of your Zaraz experience, and they have a direct line of communication with the Cloudflare Zaraz team when a need arises.

Our list of certified developers includes:

We're also pleased to mention that the majority of the course materials used for training are available online for free. You can explore these resources in our YouTube playlist for the Zaraz Developer Certification Program and empower yourself with the knowledge you need to make the most of Zaraz. The videos total more than 4 hours of deep dive into many areas of how to use Zaraz in the best way.

In conclusion, our new certified developers play a significant role in extending the ecosystem for Zaraz. We started this process by empowering developers to write their own integrations by open-sourcing the Managed Components technology, and we’re now pushing to make Zaraz an even better choice for enterprises and big websites. We encourage you to leverage the Certified Developers expertise to streamline your Zaraz experience, and to explore the wealth of free educational materials at your disposal.

Мы защищаем целые корпоративные сети, помогаем клиентам эффективно создавать интернет-приложения в глобальном масштабе, ускорять любые веб-сайты или интернет-приложения, отражать DDoS-атаки, не допускать действий хакеров, и можем оказать поддержку на вашем пути к Zero Trust.

Посетите с любого устройства, чтобы начать работу с нашим бесплатным приложением, благодаря которому ваша интернет-навигация станет еще быстрее и безопаснее.

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Yo'av Moshe|@yoavmoshe

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