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Joe Brinkman discusses the new CMS: Cloud, Mobile, Social


1 min read

Joe is a co-founder and technical fellow at DotNetNuke. He is an avid technologist with a broad spectrum of experience in a variety of development languages and technologies.

DotNetNuke is the leading Web Content Management Platform (or CMS) for Microsoft, powering over 700,000 production web sites worldwide. The flexible DNN open source CMS platform also functions as a web application development framework.

DNN just recently launched a new social platform. We caught up with Joe to hear the latest on DNN and their social offering.

"We just launched DotNetNuke 6.2, which is what we're calling the social CMS for business," said Joe. "We include a lot of the same types of functionality that you might find in a Jive or a Yammer or a Chatter, integrated directly into the core CMS platform."

"It's more than just social," said Joe. "It's social CMS."

DNN has seen a very strong uptake in the new social offering from their customers.

They have also seen a strong growth around cloud, mobile and social, the "new CMS." DNN has invested a lot of time and energy into these three verticals and are looking forward to growing the company in those areas.

"Those three together position us pretty uniquely in the CMS space," said Joe.

Listen in to hear more on DNN and the new CMS.

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