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TURN and anycast: making peer connections work globally


7 min read

A TURN server helps maintain connections during video calls when local networking conditions prevent participants from connecting directly to other participants. It acts as an intermediary, passing data between users when their networks block direct communication. TURN servers ensure that peer-to-peer calls go smoothly, even in less-than-ideal network conditions.

When building their own TURN infrastructure, developers often have to answer a few critical questions:

  1. “How do we build and maintain a mesh network that achieves near-zero latency to all our users?”

  2. “Where should we spin up our servers?”

  3. “Can we auto-scale reliably to be cost-efficient without hurting performance?”

In April, we launched Cloudflare Calls TURN in open beta to help answer these questions. Starting today, Cloudflare Calls’ TURN service is now generally available to all Cloudflare accounts. Our TURN server works on our anycast network, which helps deliver global coverage and near-zero latency required by real time applications.

TURN solves connectivity and privacy problems for real time apps

When Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4, RFC 791) was designed back in 1981, it was assumed that the 32-bit address space was big enough for all computers to be able to connect to each other. When IPv4 was created, billions of people didn’t have smartphones in their pockets and the idea of the Internet of Things didn’t exist yet. It didn’t take long for companies, ISPs, and even entire countries to realize they didn’t have enough IPv4 address space to meet their needs.

NATs are unpredictable

Fortunately, you can have multiple devices share the same IP address because the most common protocols run on top of IP are TCP and UDP, both of which support up to 65,535 port numbers. (Think of port numbers on an IP address as extensions behind a single phone number.) To solve this problem of IP scarcity, network engineers developed a way to share a single IP address across multiple devices by exploiting the port numbers. This is called Network Address Translation (NAT) and it is a process through which your router knows which packets to send to your smartphone versus your laptop or other devices, all of which are connecting to the public Internet through the IP address assigned to the router.

In a typical NAT setup, when a device sends a packet to the Internet, the NAT assigns a random, unused port to track it, keeping a forwarding table to map the device to the port. This allows NAT to direct responses back to the correct device, even if the source IP address and port vary across different destinations. The system works as long as the internal device initiates the connection and waits for the response.

However, real-time apps like video or audio calls are more challenging with NAT. Since NATs don't reveal how they assign ports, devices can't pre-communicate where to send responses, making it difficult to establish reliable connections. Earlier solutions like STUN (RFC 3489) couldn't fully solve this, which gave rise to the TURN protocol.

TURN predictably relays traffic between devices while ensuring minimal delay, which is crucial for real-time communication where even a second of lag can disrupt the experience.

ICE to determine if a relay server is needed

The ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) protocol was designed to find the fastest communication path between devices. It works by testing multiple routes and choosing the one with the least delay. ICE determines whether a TURN server is needed to relay the connection when a direct peer-to-peer path cannot be established or is not performant enough.

How two peers (A and B) try to connect directly by sharing their public and local IP addresses using the ICE protocol. If the direct connection fails, both peers use the TURN server to relay their connection and communicate with each other.

While ICE is designed to find the most efficient connection path between peers, it can inadvertently expose sensitive information, creating privacy concerns. During the ICE process, endpoints exchange a list of all possible network addresses, including local IP addresses, NAT IP addresses, and TURN server addresses. This comprehensive sharing of network details can reveal information about a user's network topology, potentially exposing their approximate geographic location or details about their local network setup.

The "brute force" nature of ICE, where it attempts connections on all possible paths, can create distinctive network traffic patterns that sophisticated observers might use to infer the use of specific applications or communication protocols. 

TURN solves privacy problems

The threat from exposing sensitive information while using real-time applications is especially important for people that use end-to-end encrypted messaging apps for sensitive information — for example, journalists who need to communicate with unknown sources without revealing their location.

With Cloudflare TURN in place, traffic is proxied through Cloudflare, preventing either party in the call from seeing client IP addresses or associated metadata. Cloudflare simply forwards the calls to their intended recipients, but never inspects the contents — the underlying call data is always end-to-end encrypted. This masking of network traffic is an added layer of privacy.

Cloudflare is a trusted third-party when it comes to operating these types of services: we have experience operating privacy-preserving proxies at scale for our Consumer WARP product, Apple’s Private Relay, and Microsoft Edge’s Secure Network, preserving end-user privacy without sacrificing performance.  

Cloudflare’s TURN is the fastest because of Anycast

Lots of real time communication services run their own TURN servers on a commercial cloud provider because they don’t want to leave a certain percentage of their customers with non-working communication. This results in additional costs for DevOps, egress bandwidth, etc. And honestly, just deploying and running a TURN server, like CoTURN, in a VPS isn’t an interesting project for most engineers.

Because using a TURN relay adds extra delay for the packets to travel between the peers, the relays should be located as close as possible to the peers. Cloudflare’s TURN service avoids all these headaches by simply running in all of the 330 cities where Cloudflare has data centers. And any time Cloudflare adds another city, the TURN service automatically becomes available there as well. 

Anycast is the perfect network topology for TURN

Anycast is a network addressing and routing methodology in which a single IP address is shared by multiple servers in different locations. When a client sends a request to an anycast address, the network automatically routes the request via BGP to the topologically nearest server. This is in contrast to unicast, where each destination has a unique IP address. Anycast allows multiple servers to have the same IP address, and enables clients to automatically connect to a server close to them. This is similar to emergency phone networks (911, 112, etc.) which connect you to the closest emergency communications center in your area.

Anycast allows for lower latency because of the sheer number of locations available around the world. Approximately 95% of the Internet-connected population globally is within approximately 50ms away from a Cloudflare location. For real-time communication applications that use TURN, leads to improved call quality and user experience.

Auto-scaling and inherently global

Running TURN over anycast allows for better scalability and global distribution. By naturally distributing load across multiple servers based on network topology, this setup helps balance traffic and improve performance. When you use Cloudflare’s TURN service, you don’t need to manage a list of servers for different parts of the world. And you don’t need to write custom scaling logic to scale VMs up or down based on your traffic.  

Anycast allows TURN to use fewer IP addresses, making it easier to allowlist in restrictive networks. Stateless protocols like DNS over UDP work well with anycast. This includes stateless STUN binding requests used to determine a system's external IP address behind a NAT.

However, stateful protocols over UDP, like QUIC or TURN, are more challenging with anycast. QUIC handles this better due to its stable connection ID, which load balancers can use to consistently route traffic. However, TURN/STUN lacks a similar connection ID. So when a TURN client sends requests to the Cloudflare TURN service, the Unimog load balancer ensures that all its requests get routed to the same server within a data center. The challenges for the communication between a client on the Internet and Cloudflare services listening on an anycast IP address have been described multiple times before.

How does Cloudflare's TURN server receive packets?

TURN servers act as relay points to help connect clients. This process involves two types of connections: the client-server connection and the third-party connection (relayed address).

The client-server connection uses published IP and port information to communicate with TURN clients using anycast.

For the relayed address, using anycast poses a challenge. The TURN protocol requires that packets reach the specific Cloudflare server handling the client connection. If we used anycast for relay addresses, packets might not arrive at the correct data center or server.

One alternative is to use unicast addresses for relay candidates. However, this approach has drawbacks, including making servers vulnerable to attacks and requiring many IP addresses.

To solve these issues, we've developed a middle-ground solution, previously discussed in “Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?”. We use anycast addresses but add extra handling for packets that reach incorrect servers. If a packet arrives at the wrong Cloudflare location, we forward it over our backbone to the correct datacenter, rather than sending it back over the public Internet.

This approach not only resolves routing issues but also improves TURN connection speed. Packets meant for the relay address enter the Cloudflare network as close to the sender as possible, optimizing the routing process.

In this non-ideal setup, a TURN client connects to Cloudflare using Anycast, while a direct client uses Unicast, which would expose the TURN server to potential DDoS attacks.

The optimized setup uses Anycast for all TURN clients, allowing for dynamic load distribution across Cloudflare's globally distributed TURN servers.

Try Cloudflare Calls TURN today

The new TURN feature of Cloudflare Calls addresses critical challenges in real-time communication:

  • Connectivity: By solving NAT traversal issues, TURN ensures reliable connections even in complex network environments.

  • Privacy: Acting as an intermediary, TURN enhances user privacy by masking IP addresses and network details.

  • Performance: Leveraging Cloudflare's global anycast network, our TURN service offers unparalleled speed and near-zero latency.

  • Scalability: With presence in over 330 cities, Cloudflare Calls TURN grows with your needs.

Cloudflare Calls TURN service is billed on a usage basis. It is available to self-serve and Enterprise customers alike. There is no cost for the first 1,000 GB (one terabyte) of Cloudflare Calls usage each month. It costs five cents per GB after your first terabyte of usage on self-serve. Volume pricing is available for Enterprise customers through your account team.

Switching TURN providers is likely as simple as changing a single configuration in your real-time app. To get started with Cloudflare’s TURN service, create a TURN app from your Cloudflare Calls Dashboard or read the Developer Docs.

Cloudflare's connectivity cloud protects entire corporate networks, helps customers build Internet-scale applications efficiently, accelerates any website or Internet application, wards off DDoS attacks, keeps hackers at bay, and can help you on your journey to Zero Trust.

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Birthday WeekCloudflare CallsAnycastLoad BalancingWebRTCTURN

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Renan Dincer|@rrnn

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