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Introducing Location-Aware DDoS Protection


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Introducing Location-Aware DDoS protection

We’re thrilled to introduce Cloudflare’s Location-Aware DDoS Protection.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are cyber attacks that aim to make your Internet property unavailable by flooding it with more traffic than it can handle. For this reason, attackers usually aim to generate as much attack traffic as they can — from as many locations as they can. With Location-Aware DDoS Protection, we take this distributed characteristic of the attack, that is thought of being advantageous for the attacker, and turn it on its back — making it into a disadvantage.

Location-Aware DDoS Protection is now available in beta for Cloudflare Enterprise customers that are subscribed to the Advanced DDoS service.

A diagram of a DDoS attack denying service to legitimate users

Distributed attacks lose their edge

Cloudflare’s Location-Aware DDoS Protection takes the attacker’s advantage and uses it against them. By learning where your traffic comes from, the system becomes location-aware and constantly asks “Does it make sense for your website?” when seeing new traffic.

For example, if you operate an e-commerce website that mostly serves the German consumer, then most of your traffic would most likely originate from within Germany, some from neighboring European countries, and a decreasing amount as we expand globally to other countries and geographies. If sudden spikes of traffic arrive from unexpected locations outside your main geographies, the system will flag and mitigate the unwanted traffic.

Location-Aware DDoS Protection also leverages Cloudflare’s Machine Learning models to identify traffic that is likely automated. This is used as an additional signal to provide more accurate protection.

Enabling Location-Aware Protection

Enterprise customers subscribed to the Advanced DDoS service can customize and enable the Location-Aware DDoS Protection system. By default, the system will only show what it thinks is suspicious traffic based on your last 7-day P95 rates, bucketed by client country and region (recalculated every 24 hours).

Customers can view what the system flagged in the Security Overview dashboard.

Screenshot of Cloudflare’s Security Overview analytics dashboard showing the traffic that was flagged by the Location-Aware DDoS Protection rule

Location-Aware DDoS Protection is exposed to customers as a new HTTP DDoS Managed rule within the existing ruleset. To enable it, change the action to Managed Challenge or Block. Customers can adjust its sensitivity level to define how much tolerance you permit for traffic that deviates from your observed geographies. The lower the sensitivity, the higher the tolerance.

Screenshot of Cloudflare’s dashboard showing the Location-Aware DDoS Protection rule

To learn how to view flagged traffic and how to configure the Location-Aware DDoS Protection, visit our developer docs site.

Making the impact of DDoS attacks a thing of the past

Our mission at Cloudflare is to help build a better Internet. The DDoS Protection team’s vision is derived from this mission: our goal is to make the impact of DDoS attacks a thing of the past. Location-aware protection is only the first step to making Cloudflare’s DDoS protection even more intelligent, sophisticated, and tailored to individual needs.

Not using Cloudflare yet? Start now with our Free and Pro plans to protect your websites, or contact us to learn more about the Enterprise Advanced DDoS Protection package.

Cloudflare's connectivity cloud protects entire corporate networks, helps customers build Internet-scale applications efficiently, accelerates any website or Internet application, wards off DDoS attacks, keeps hackers at bay, and can help you on your journey to Zero Trust.

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Omer Yoachimik|@OmerYoahimik

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