On December 25th, 2020, an apparent suicide bomb exploded in Nashville, TN. The explosion happened outside an AT&T network building on Second Avenue in Nashville at 1230 UTC. Damage to the AT&T building and its power supply and generators quickly caused an outage for telephone and Internet service for local people. These outages continued for two days.
Looking at traffic flow data for AT&T in the Nashville area to Cloudflare we can see that services continued operating (on battery power according to reports) for over five hours after the explosion, but at 1748 UTC we saw a dramatic drop in traffic. 1748 UTC is close to noon in Nashville when reports indicate that people lost phone and Internet service.
We saw traffic from Nashville via AT&T start to recover over a 45 minute period on December 27 at 1822 UTC making the total outage 2 days and 34 minutes.
Traffic flows continue to be normal and no further disruption has been seen.