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Cloudflare’s Transparency Report for Second Half 2016 and an Additional Disclosure for 2013


3 min read

Cloudflare is publishing today its seventh transparency report, covering the second half of 2016. For the first time, we are able to present information on a previously undisclosed National Security Letter (NSL) Cloudflare received in the 2013 reporting period.

Wikipedia provides the most succinct description of an NSL:

An NSL is an administrative subpoena issued by the United States federal government to gather information for national security purposes. NSLs do not require prior approval from a judge.… NSLs typically contain a nondisclosure requirement, frequently called a "gag order", preventing the recipient of an NSL from disclosing that the FBI had requested the information.

Shortly before the New Year, the FBI sent us the following letter about that NSL.

The letter withdrew the nondisclosure provisions (the “gag order”) contained in NSL-12-358696, which had constrained Cloudflare since the NSL was served in February 2013. At that time, Cloudflare objected to the NSL. The Electronic Frontier Foundation agreed to take our case, and with their assistance, we brought a lawsuit under seal to protect its customers' rights.

Early in the litigation, the FBI rescinded the NSL in July 2013 and withdrew the request for information. So no customer information was ever disclosed by Cloudflare pursuant to this NSL.

Even though the request for information was no longer at issue, the NSL’s gag order remained. For nearly four years, Cloudflare has pursued its legal rights to be transparent about this request despite the threat of criminal liability. As explained above, the FBI recently removed that gag order, so we are now able to share the redacted text of NSL-12-358696, which reads as follows:

Consistent with the FBI’s request and Cloudflare policy, we have voluntarily redacted personal information about the FBI Special Agent named in the NSL as well as customer account information. Disclosing this information would provide no public benefit.

The gag order not only impacted our transparency report and our ability to talk about the sealed case, but Cloudflare has been involved in public policy discussions related to the Internet and matters of electronic communications both in Congress and in the public sphere more broadly since the early days of the company. We believe that participation in policy debates is an axiomatic part of our mission to build a better internet. The inability to disclose the receipt of NSLs and to participate in a robust discussion of the policy issues surrounding NSLs was important to Cloudflare and the members of our community.

One personal experience is particularly telling about the gag order’s negative impact on our policy advocacy efforts. In early 2014, I met with a key Capitol Hill staffer who worked on issues related to counter-terrorism, homeland security, and the judiciary. I had a conversation where I explained how Cloudflare values transparency, due process of law, and expressed concerns that NSLs are unconstitutional tools of convenience rather than necessity. The staffer dismissed my concerns and expressed that Cloudflare’s position on NSLs was a product of needless worrying, speculation, and misinformation. The staffer noted it would be impossible for an NSL to issue against Cloudflare, since the services our company provides expressly did not fall within the jurisdiction of the NSL statute. The staffer went so far as to open a copy of the U.S. Code and read from the statutory language to make her point.

Because of the gag order, I had to sit in silence, implicitly confirming the point in the mind of the staffer. At the time, I knew for a certainty that the FBI’s interpretation of the statute diverged from hers (and presumably that of her boss).

Cloudflare fought this battle for four years even after the request for customer information had been dismissed. In addition to protecting our customers’ information, we want to remain a vigorous participation in public policy discussions about our services and public law enforcement efforts. The gag rule did not allow that.

Now that this gag order has been lifted, Cloudflare is able to publish a more accurate transparency report to its customers and constituents. For us, this is not the end of the story, but the beginning of a more robust, fact-informed debate.

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Kenneth R. Carter|@carterkr

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