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我们即将踏入青春期。随着上周二迎来 Cloudflare 的 12 岁生日,我们正式迈入第 13 个年头。这是一个多么精彩的生日啊!

What we served up for the last Birthday Week before we're a teenager

我们发布了 36 个公告,涉及从 SIM 卡到硬件密钥后量子加密等多个产品和服务。让我们回顾一下本周的公告内容。



What In a sentence…
The First Zero Trust SIM We’re bringing Zero Trust security controls to the humble SIM card, rethinking how mobile device security is done, with the Cloudflare SIM: the world’s first Zero Trust SIM.
Securing the Internet of Things We’ve been defending customers from Internet of Things botnets for years now, and it’s time to turn the tides: we’re bringing the same security behind our Zero Trust platform to IoT.
Bringing Zero Trust to mobile network operators Helping bring the power of Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform to mobile operators and their subscribers.


What In a sentence…
Workers Launchpad Leading venture capital firms to provide up to $1.25 BILLION to back startups built on Cloudflare Workers.
Startup Plan v2.0 Increasing the scope, eligibility and products we include under our Startup Plan, enabling more developers and startups to build the next big thing on top of Cloudflare.
workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime workerd, the JavaScript/Wasm runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers. workerd is open source under the Apache License version 2.0.
Cloudflare Calls A new product that lets developers build real-time audio/video apps. Cloudflare Calls exposes a set of APIs to build video conferencing, screen sharing, and group calling apps on our network.
Cloudflare Queues Queues is a global message queuing service that allows applications to reliably send and receive messages using Cloudflare Workers. It offers at-least once message delivery, supports batching of messages, and charges no bandwidth egress fees.
What’s new with D1 Improving the developer experience of D1 with CLI support for backups, snapshots and local development.
WebRTC live streaming Cloudflare Stream now supports live video streaming over WebRTC, with sub-second latency, to unlimited concurrent viewers.
The future of Page Rules Our plan to replace Page Rules with four dedicated products, offering increased rules quota, more functionality, and better granularity.
Cache Rules Evolving rules-based caching on Cloudflare with more configurable Cache Rules.
Configuration Rules Configuration Rules enable new use-cases that previously were impossible without writing custom code in a Cloudflare Worker, including A/B testing configuration, enabling features for a set of file extensions and much more.
Origin Rules A new product which allows for overriding the host header, the Server Name Indication (SNI), destination port and DNS resolution of matching HTTP requests.
Dynamic URL redirects Users can redirect visitors to another webpage or website based upon hundreds of options such as the visitor's country of origin or language, without having to write a single line of code.
Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester Forrester has recognised Cloudflare as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Web Application Firewalls, Q3 2022 report.

首款 Zero Trust SIM

What In a sentence…
Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA Turnstile is an invisible alternative to CAPTCHA. Anyone, anywhere on the Internet, who wants to replace CAPTCHA on their site will be able to call a simple API, without having to be a Cloudflare customer or sending traffic through the Cloudflare global network.
Magic Network Monitoring for everyone Magic Network Monitoring will be available to everyone, and now features a powerful analytics dashboard, self-serve configuration, and a step-by-step onboarding wizard.
Botnet Threat Feed for service providers The Botnet Threat Feed will give ISPs threat intelligence on their own IP addresses that have participated in HTTP DDoS attacks as observed from the Cloudflare network — allowing them to reduce their abuse-driven costs, and ultimately reduce the amount and force of DDoS attacks across the Internet.
Build privacy-preserving products with Privacy Edge Privacy Edge, including Code Auditability, Privacy Gateway, Privacy Proxy, and Cooperative Analytics, is a suite of products that make it easy for site owners and developers to build privacy into their products, by default.
Quick search in the dashboard Our first release of quick search for the Cloudflare dashboard, a beta version of our first ever cross-dashboard search tool to help you navigate our products and features.

我们正在把 Zero Trust 安全控制引入到不起眼的 SIM卡中,重新思考如何实现移动设备的安全,推出了 Cloudflare SIM:世界首款 Zero Trust SIM卡。

What In a sentence…
Making phishing defense seamless with Cloudflare Zero Trust and Yubico An exclusive program for Cloudflare customers that makes hardware keys more accessible and economical than ever. This program is made possible through a new collaboration with Yubico, the industry’s leading hardware security key vendor and provides Cloudflare customers with exclusive “Good for the Internet” pricing.
How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys to prevent phishing How Cloudflare uses hardware keys, built on FIDO2 and Webauthn, to become phish proof and more easily enforce least privilege access control.
Role Based Access Controls for every Cloudflare plan Role based access controls, and all of our additional roles, will be rolled out to users on every plan.
Email Link Isolation Bringing Browser Isolation to potentially unsafe links in email with Zero Trust and Area 1.
Unmetered Rate Limiting Today, we are announcing that Free, Pro and Business plans include Rate Limiting rules without extra charges, including an updated version that is built on the powerful ruleset engine and allows building rules like in Custom Rules.


What In a sentence…
Gateway + CASB When CASB, Cloudflare’s API-driven SaaS security scanning tool, discovers a problem, it’s now possible to easily create a corresponding Gateway policy in as few as three clicks.
Project A11Y How we upgraded Cloudflare’s dashboard to adhere to industry accessibility standards.
Bringing (free) Stream to Pro and Business plans Beginning December 1, 2022, if you have a Business or Pro subscription, you will receive a complimentary allocation of Cloudflare Stream, including up to 100 minutes of video content and deliver up to 10,000 minutes of video content each month at no additional cost.
Workers Analytics Engine public beta Workers Analytics Engine is a new way for developers to store and analyze time series analytics about anything using Cloudflare Workers, and it’s now in open beta!
Radar 2.0 On the second anniversary of Cloudflare Radar, we are launching Cloudflare Radar 2.0 in beta. It makes it easier to find insights and explore data, see more insights, and share them with others.
Cloudflare Radar Outage Center The new Cloudflare Radar Outage Center (CROC), launched today as part of Radar 2.0, is intended to be an archive of Internet outages around the world.
Radar Domain Rankings Radar Domain Rankings is a new dataset for exploring the most popular domains on the Internet. The dataset aims to identify the top most popular domains based on how people use the Internet globally, without tracking individuals’ Internet use.

多年来,我们始终保护客户免受物联网僵尸网络的侵害,现在是时候扭转乾坤了:我们正在致力于在物联网中实现和 Zero Trust 同样的安全性。

将 Zero Trust 带给移动网络运营商

What In a sentence…
Bringing post quantum cryptography to Cloudflare customers As a beta service, all websites and APIs served through Cloudflare support post-quantum hybrid key agreement. This is on by default; no need for an opt-in. This means that if your browser/app supports it, the connection to our network is also secure against any future quantum computer.
Cloudflare Tunnel goes post quantum Cloudflare Tunnel gets a new option to use post-quantum connections.
Securing Origin Connectivity Cloudflare will automatically find the most secure connection possible to origin servers and use it automatically.

帮助将 Cloudflare Zero Trust 平台的力量带给移动运营商及其用户。




Workers Launchpad

领先的风险投资公司将提供多达 12.5 亿美元,支持基于 Cloudflare Workers 构建的初创公司。

Startup Plan v2.0

扩大我们在 Startup Plan 中包含的范围、资格和产品,使更多开发人员和初创公司能够在 Cloudflare 之上构建下一个重大项目。

workerd: 开源 Workers 运行时

workerd 是基于支持 Cloudflare Workers 的相同代码构建的 JavaScript/Wasm 运行时。workerd 是 Apache License 2.0 下的开源软件。

Cloudflare Calls

这个新产品让开发者能够开发实时音频/视频应用程序。Cloudflare Calls 公开了一组 API,用于在我们的网络上构建视频会议、屏幕共享和群呼应用程序。

Cloudflare Queues

Queues 是一个全球消息队列服务,允许应用程序使用 Cloudflare Workers 可靠地发送和接收消息。它提供至少一次消息传递,支持消息的批处理,并且不收取带宽出口费用。

D1 更新

通过 CLI(命令行界面) 对备份、快照和本地开发的支持,改善 D1 的开发人员体验。

WebRTC 流媒体直播

Cloudflare Stream 现已支持基于 WebRTC 的流媒体直播,亚秒级延迟,无限并发观看。

Page Rules 的未来

我们计划用四个专门的产品替换 Page Rules,提供更多的规则配额、更多的功能和更细的粒度。


进一步发展 Cloudflare 上基于规则的缓存,提供更多可配置的缓存规则。

Configuration Rules

Configuration Rules 支持过去必须在 Cloudflare Worker 中编写自定义代码才能实现的用例,包括 A/B 测试配置、为一组文件扩展名启用功能等等。


一个新产品,允许覆盖匹配 HTTP 请求的主机标头、服务器名称指示(SNI)、目标端口和的 DNS 解析。

动态 URL 重定向


Cloudflare 被 Forrester 评为领导者

Forrester 在 2022 年第三季度 Forrester Wave™:Web 应用程序防火墙报告中将 Cloudflare 评为“领导者”。





Turnstile 是验证码的无形替代品。在互联网上任何地方的任何人,如果想在其网站上替换验证码,都能调用一个简单的 API,不必是 Cloudflare 客户,也不必通过 Cloudflare 全球网络发送流量。

Magic Network Monitoring 全面开放

Magic Network Monitoring 将面向所有人开放,现已提供强大的分析仪表板,自助配置,以及分步入门向导。

面向服务提供商的 Botnet Threat Feed

Botnet Threat Feed 将为互联网服务供应商提供威胁情报,了解根据Cloudflare 网络观察,自有 IP 地址有哪些参与了 HTTP DDoS 攻击,帮助它们减少滥用导致的成本,并最终减少整个互联网上 DDoS 攻击的数量和强度。

利用 Privacy Edge 构建保护隐私的产品

Privacy Edge 产品套件包括 Code Auditability、Privacy Gateway、Privacy Proxy 和 Cooperative Analytics,使网站所有者和开发者能轻松在其产品中内置隐私保护功能。


Cloudflare 仪表板的快速搜索首次发布,这是我们第一个跨仪表板搜索工具的测试版,可以帮助您浏览我们的产品和功能。




借助 Cloudflare Zero Trust 和 Yubico 实现对网络钓鱼的无缝防御

为 Cloudflare 客户提供的专属计划,使硬件密钥比以往任何时候都更易获得、更经济。这项计划通过与业界领先的硬件安全密钥供应商 Yubico 开展新的合作得以实现,可为 Cloudflare 客户提供“有利于的互联网”的独家价格。

Cloudflare 如何实施硬件密钥以预防网络钓鱼

Cloudflare 如何使用基于 FIDO2 和 Webauthn 构建的硬件密钥来防止网络钓鱼,并更容易地实施最低特权的访问控制。

基于角色的访问控制,所有 Cloudflare 计划可用



通过 Zero Trust 和 Area 1 对电子邮件中的不安全链接执行浏览器隔离。


今天,我们宣布 Free、Pro 和 Business 计划将纳入速率限制规则,不另外收费,其中包括基于强大的规则集引擎构建的更新版本,允许像在自定义规则中那样构建规则。




Gateway + CASB

当 CASB (Cloudflare 以 API 驱动的 SaaS 安全扫描工具)发现问题时,单击三次即可轻松创建相应的 Gateway 策略。

Project A11Y

我们如何升级 Cloudflare 的仪表板,以遵守行业无障碍标准。

将 Stream (免费) 提供给 Pro 和 Business 计划

从 2022 年 12 月 1 日开始,Business 或 Pro 订阅用户将获得免费的 Cloudflare Stream ,包括每月最多 100 分钟视频内容存储和最多 10,000 分钟传输。

Workers Analytics Engine 公开测试版

Workers Analytics Engine 是开发人员存储和分析有关 Cloudflare workers 使用的时间序列分析信息的一种新方法,现正公测!

Radar 2.0

在 Cloudflare Radar 发布两周年之际,我们隆重推出 Cloudflare Radar 2.0 测试版。它使找到见解和探索数据、查看更多见解及与别人分享更加容易。

Cloudflare Radar Outage Center

作为 Radar 2.0 的一部分,全新的 Cloudflare Radar Outage Center (CROC) 今日推出,旨在成为世界各地互联网中断事件的档案库。

Radar Domain Rankings

Radar Domain Rankings 是探索互联网上最受欢迎域名的全新数据集。该数据集旨在根据世界各地人们使用互联网的情况确定最受欢迎的域名,而不追踪个人的互联网使用情况。


我们这一周的内容太丰富了,不得不增加一天,主要关注加密:不仅关乎客户端如何连接到我们的网络,也涉及 Cloudflare 如何连接到客户的源。



将后量子加密带给 Cloudflare 客户

从今天开始,作为测试版服务,通过 Cloudflare 提供服务的所有网站和 API 都将支持后量子混合密钥协议。这项服务默认开启;无需选择加入。这意味着,如果您的浏览器/应用支持该协议,与我们的网络的连接也就能够抵御未来任何量子计算机的威胁。

Cloudflare Tunnel 进入后量子时代

Cloudflare Tunnel 获得一个使用后量子连接的新选项。




以上就是 2022 年度生日周的全部内容。但今年的 Cloudflare Innovation Week 尚未结束;我们将在一周内发布对开发人员有用的新产品和服务,欢迎关注。

我们保护整个企业网络,帮助客户高效构建互联网规模的应用程序,加速任何网站或互联网应用程序抵御 DDoS 攻击,防止黑客入侵,并能协助您实现 Zero Trust 的过程

Birthday Week产品新闻

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2024年10月24日 13:00

Durable Objects aren't just durable, they're fast: a 10x speedup for Cloudflare Queues

Learn how we built Cloudflare Queues using our own Developer Platform and how it evolved to a geographically-distributed, horizontally-scalable architecture built on Durable Objects. Our new architecture supports over 10x more throughput and over 3x lower latency compared to the previous version....