
生日周回顾:我们宣布的所有内容,以及为初创企业提供的 AI 驱动机会


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今年,Cloudflare 正式成为踏入青春阶段,迎来了 13 岁生日。为了庆祝这个里程碑,我们发布了一系列公告,我们的客户和互联网社区都会从中受益。

Birthday Week recap: everything we announced — plus an AI-powered opportunity for startups

从在人工智能时代开发应用,到防御尚未出现的最先进攻击,Cloudflare 很高兴能提供帮助我们的客户保持领先一步的工具。





In a sentence…

Switching to Cloudflare can cut emissions by up to 96%

Switching enterprise network services from on-prem to Cloudflare can cut related carbon emissions by up to 96%. 

Cloudflare Trace

Use Cloudflare Trace to see which rules and settings are invoked when an HTTP request for your site goes through our network. 

Cloudflare Fonts

Introducing Cloudflare Fonts. Enhance privacy and performance for websites using Google Fonts by loading fonts directly from the Cloudflare network. 

How Cloudflare intelligently routes traffic

Technical deep dive that explains how Cloudflare uses machine learning to intelligently route traffic through our vast network. 

Low Latency Live Streaming

Cloudflare Stream’s LL-HLS support is now in open beta. You can deliver video to your audience faster, reducing the latency a viewer may experience on their player to as little as 3 seconds. 

Account permissions for all

Cloudflare account permissions are now available to all customers, not just Enterprise. In addition, we’ll show you how you can use them and best practices. 

Incident Alerts

Customers can subscribe to Cloudflare Incident Alerts and choose when to get notified based on affected products and level of impact. 



In a sentence…

Welcome to the connectivity cloud

Cloudflare is the world’s first connectivity cloud — the modern way to connect and protect your cloud, networks, applications and users. 

Amazon’s $2bn IPv4 tax — and how you can avoid paying it 

Amazon will begin taxing their customers $43 for IPv4 addresses, so Cloudflare will give those \$43 back in the form of credits to bypass that tax. 


Minimize egress fees by using Sippy to incrementally migrate your data from AWS to R2. 

Cloudflare Images

All Image Resizing features will be available under Cloudflare Images and we’re simplifying pricing to make it more predictable and reliable.  

Traffic anomalies and notifications with Cloudflare Radar

Cloudflare Radar will be publishing anomalous traffic events for countries and Autonomous Systems (ASes).

Detecting Internet outages

Deep dive into how Cloudflare detects Internet outages, the challenges that come with it, and our approach to overcome these problems. 

改用 Cloudflare 可以减少高达 96% 的排放量


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The best place on Region: Earth for inference

Now available: Workers AI, a serverless GPU cloud for AI, Vectorize so you can build your own vector databases, and AI Gateway to help manage costs and observability of your AI applications. 

Cloudflare delivers the best infrastructure for next-gen AI applications, supported by partnerships with NVIDIA, Microsoft, Hugging Face, Databricks, and Meta.

Workers AI 

Launching Workers AI — AI inference as a service platform, empowering developers to run AI models with just a few lines of code, all powered by our global network of GPUs. 

Partnering with Hugging Face 

Cloudflare is partnering with Hugging Face to make AI models more accessible and affordable to users. 


Cloudflare’s vector database, designed to allow engineers to build full-stack, AI-powered applications entirely on Cloudflare's global network — available in Beta. 

AI Gateway

AI Gateway helps developers have greater control and visibility in their AI apps, so that you can focus on building without worrying about observability, reliability, and scaling. AI Gateway handles the things that nearly all AI applications need, saving you engineering time so you can focus on what you're building.


You can now use WebGPU in Cloudflare Workers

Developers can now use WebGPU in Cloudflare Workers. Learn more about why WebGPUs are important, why we’re offering them to customers, and what’s next. 

What AI companies are building with Cloudflare

Many AI companies are using Cloudflare to build next generation applications. Learn more about what they’re building and how Cloudflare is helping them on their journey. 

Writing poems using LLama 2 on Workers AI

Want to write a poem using AI? Learn how to run your own AI chatbot in 14 lines of code, running on Cloudflare’s global network. 

将企业网络服务从本地设备更换为 Cloudflare 服务可将相关碳排放减少多达 96%。 


In a sentence…


Cloudflare launches a new product, Hyperdrive, that makes existing regional databases much faster by dramatically speeding up queries that are made from Cloudflare Workers.

D1 Open Beta

D1 is now in open beta, and the theme is “scale”: with higher per-database storage limits and the ability to create more databases, we’re unlocking the ability for developers to build production-scale applications on D1.

Pages Build Caching

Build cache is a feature designed to reduce your build times by caching and reusing previously computed project components — now available in Beta. 

Running serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects

Introducing the Browser Rendering API, which enables developers to utilize the Puppeteer browser automation library within Workers, eliminating the need for serverless browser automation system setup and maintenance

Cloudflare partners with Microsoft to power their Edge Secure Network

We partnered with Microsoft Edge to provide a fast and secure VPN, right in the browser. Users don’t have to install anything new or understand complex concepts to get the latest in network-level privacy: Edge Secure Network VPN is available on the latest consumer version of Microsoft Edge in most markets, and automatically comes with 5GB of data. 

Re-introducing the Cloudflare Workers playground

We are revamping the playground that demonstrates the power of Workers, along with new development tooling, and the ability to share your playground code and deploy instantly to Cloudflare’s global network

Cloudflare integrations marketplace expands

Introducing the newest additions to Cloudflare’s Integration Marketplace. Now available: Sentry, Momento and Turso. 

A Socket API that works across Javascript runtimes — announcing WinterCG spec and polyfill for connect()

Engineers from Cloudflare and Vercel have published a draft specification of the connect() sockets API for review by the community, along with a Node.js compatible polyfill for the connect() API that developers can start using.

New Workers pricing

Announcing new pricing for Cloudflare Workers, where you are billed based on CPU time, and never for the idle time that your Worker spends waiting on network requests and other I/O.

Cloudflare Trace


In a sentence…

Post Quantum Cryptography goes GA 

Cloudflare is rolling out post-quantum cryptography support to customers, services, and internal systems to proactively protect against advanced attacks. 

Encrypted Client Hello

Announcing a contribution that helps improve privacy for everyone on the Internet. Encrypted Client Hello, a new standard that prevents networks from snooping on which websites a user is visiting, is now available on all Cloudflare plans. 

Email Retro Scan 

Cloudflare customers can now scan messages within their Office 365 Inboxes for threats. The Retro Scan will let you look back seven days to see what threats your current email security tool has missed. 

Turnstile is Generally Available

Turnstile, Cloudflare’s CAPTCHA replacement, is now generally available and available for free to everyone and includes unlimited use. 

AI crawler bots

Any Cloudflare user, on any plan, can choose specific categories of bots that they want to allow or block, including AI crawlers. We are also recommending a new standard to robots.txt that will make it easier for websites to clearly direct how AI bots can and can’t crawl.

Detecting zero-days before zero-day

Deep dive into Cloudflare’s approach and ongoing research into detecting novel web attack vectors in our WAF before they are seen by a security researcher. 

Privacy Preserving Metrics

Deep dive into the fundamental concepts behind the Distributed Aggregation Protocol (DAP) protocol with examples on how we’ve implemented it into Daphne, our open source aggregator server. 

Post-quantum cryptography to origin

We are rolling out post-quantum cryptography support for outbound connections to origins and Cloudflare Workers fetch() calls. Learn more about what we enabled, how we rolled it out in a safe manner, and how you can add support to your origin server today. 

Network performance update

Cloudflare’s updated benchmark results regarding network performance plus a dive into the tools and processes that we use to monitor and improve our network performance. 

使用 Cloudflare Trace 查看当站点 HTTP 请求通过我们的网络时调用了哪些规则和设置。 

Cloudflare Fonts

推出 Cloudflare Fonts。通过直接从 Cloudflare 网络加载字体,为使用 Google 字体的网站增强隐私保护和性能。 

Cloudflare 如何智能路由流量

深入解释 Cloudflare 如何利用机器学习智能路由流量通过我们庞大的网络。 


Cloudflare Stream 的 LL-HLS 支持现已推出测试版。您能够以更快的速度将视频传输给观众,将可能的播放延迟缩短至 3 秒。 


原 Enterprise 专享的 Cloudflare 账户许可现已向所有客户开放。此外,我们将向您展示账户许可的使用方式及最佳实践。 


客户现可订阅 Cloudflare 事件警报,选择何时收到基于受影响产品和影响程度的通知。 





Cloudflare 是全球首款全球连通云——连接和保护云、网络、应用和用户的现代方式。 

Amazon 的 20 亿美元 IPv4 税费 — 以及如何避免支付这笔费用

Amazon 将开始对其客户征收 43 美元的 IPv4 地址费用,因此 Cloudflare 将以积分形式返还这 43 美元。 


通过使用 Sippy 逐步将数据从 AWS 迁移到 R2,最大程度地减少出口费用。 

Cloudflare Images

所有图像调整大小功能将在 Cloudflare Images 下可用,我们正在简化定价以使其更可预测和可靠。  

使用 Cloudflare Radar 检测流量异常并发送通知

Cloudflare Radar 将发布有关国家和自治系统(AS)的异常流量事件。


深入探讨 Cloudflare 如何检测互联网中断、面临的挑战以及我们克服这些问题的方法。 





现已推出:Workers AI —— 用于 AI 的无服务器 GPU 云;Vectorize —— 用于构建自己的矢量数据库;以及 AI Gateway —— 帮助管理 AI 应用的成本和可观察性。 

通过与 NVIDIA、Microsoft、Hugging Face、Databricks 和 Meta 等的合作伙伴关系,Cloudflare 为下一代 AI 应用程序提供最佳的基础设施。

Workers AI 

隆重推出 Workers AI——AI 推理即服务平台,使开发人员只需几行代码即可运行 AI 模型,由我们的全球 GPU 网络提供支持。 

与 Hugging Face 携手合作 

Cloudflare 与 Hugging Face 合作,旨在使 AI 模型对用户更易使用和经济实惠。 


Vectorize 是 Cloudflare 新推出的矢量数据库产品,旨在让您完全在 Cloudflare 的全球网络上构建 AI 加持的全栈应用,现已提供测试版。 

AI Gateway

AI Gateway 使开发人员在他们的 AI 应用中拥有更好的控制力和可见性,能够专注构建,不用担心可观察性、可靠性和可扩展性。AI Gateway 可以处理几乎所有 AI 应用程序需要的内容,节省工程时间,使您专注构建内容。

您现在可以在 Cloudflare Workers 中使用 WebGPU

开发人员现在可在 Cloudflare Workers 中使用 WebGPU。进一步了解为什么 WebGPU 很重要,为什么我们向客户提供它们,以及接下来的计划。 

AI 公司使用 Cloudflare 构建的内容

很多 AI 公司正在使用 Cloudflare 来构建下一代应用。进一步了解他们正在构建什么应用,以及 Cloudflare 如何在这方面提供帮助。 

在 Workers AI 上使用 LLama 2 写诗

想用 AI 写诗吗?学习如何在 Cloudflare 的全球网络上用 14 行代码运行自己的 AI 聊天机器人。 





Cloudflare 推出全新产品 Hyperdrive,显著加快 Cloudflare Workers 的查询速度,大幅提高了现有区域数据库的速度。

D1 开放测试

D1 现在处于公测阶段,主旋律是“规模”:每数据库的存储限制更高,并且能够创建更多数据库,我们正在解锁开发人员在 D1 上构建生产规模应用程序的能力。

Pages 构建缓存


通过 Workers 和 Durable Objects 运行 Serverless Puppeteer

推出浏览器渲染 API,使开发人员能够在 Workers 中利用 Puppeteer 浏览器自动化库,消除了无服务器浏览器自动化系统设置和维护的需要。

Cloudflare 与 Microsoft 合作,为 Edge 安全网络提供支持

我们与 Microsoft Edge 合作在浏览器中提供一种快速、安全的 VPN。用户不需要安装任何新东西或理解复杂的概念,就能获得最新的网络级隐私:Edge 安全网络 VPN 在大多数市场上都可以在最新的 Microsoft Edge 消费者版本上使用,并自动附带 5 GB 数据。 

重新引入 Cloudflare Workers 操练场

我们正在改造展示 Workers 强大功能的操练场,并提供新的开发工具,还可以共享操练场代码并立即部署到 Cloudflare 全球网络。

Cloudflare 集成市场扩大

推出 Cloudflare 集成市场的新增项目。现已可用:Sentry、Momento 和 Turso。 

跨 JavaScript 运行时工作的 Socket API——发布 WinterCG 规范和 polyfill for connect()

Cloudflare 和 Vercel 的工程师已经发布了 connect() 套接字 API 的规范草案,供社区审查,同时还发布了一个兼容 Node.js 的 polyfill for connect() API,供开发人员开始使用。

Workers 新定价方案

宣布推出全新 Cloudflare Workers 定价方案,按 CPU 时间计费,绝不对 Worker 用于等待网络请求和其他 I/O 的空闲时间计费。





Cloudflare 推出对客户、服务和内部系统的后量子加密支持,以主动防御高级攻击。 

Encrypted Client Hello

宣布为改善互联网每个人的隐私而做出贡献。Encrypted Client Hello 是一项新标准,可防止网络窥探用户访问什么网站,现已提供给所有 Cloudflare 计划使用。 

Email Retro Scan 

Cloudflare 客户现在可以扫描其 Office 365 收件箱中的消息以寻找威胁。Retro Scan 功能可以让您回溯七天,检查当前电子邮件安全工具所漏检的威胁。 

Turnstile 现已正式发布

Turnstile,Cloudflare 的验证码替代方案,现已正式发布,免费提供给所有人无限使用。 

AI 爬虫机器人

任何 Cloudflare 用户,无论使用什么计划,都可以选择他们想要允许或阻止的特定类别机器人,包括 AI 爬虫。我们还推荐了一个 robots.txt 的新标准,可让网站更易清晰指示 AI 机器人的可爬行范围。

检测 zero-day 攻击并避免受害

深入剖析 Cloudflare 在 WAF 早于安全研究人员检测出新型网络攻击手段的方式和进行中的研究。 


深入介绍分布式聚合协议(DAP)协议背后的基本概念,并通过示例说明我们如何将其实现到我们的开源聚合服务器 Daphne 中。 


推出后量子加密,支持到源服务器和 Cloudflare Workers fetch() 调用的出站连接。详细了解我们支持什么,如何以安全的方式推出,以及您今天如何为自己的源服务器添加支持。 


Cloudflare 网络性能基准测试结果更新,并深入介绍我们用于监测和改进网络性能的工具和流程。 


去年,在 Cloudflare 成立 12 周年之际,我们宣布推出 Workers Launchpad 资助计划。您可以将其视为向 Cloudflare 开发者平台上构建的公司提供的创业加速计划,没有规模、阶段或地理位置的限制。

回顾一下 Launchpad 的运作方式: 每个季度,我们接纳一批初创企业,他们将获得广泛的技术建议、指导和募资机会。其中包括我们的创始人训练营、与我们的解决方案架构师一起的开放办公时间以及演示日。做好募资准备的企业还将与我们拥有 40 多家全球领先风险投资公司的社区建立联系。


Targum (my startup) was one of the first AI companies (w/ @jamdotdev ) in the Cloudflare workers launchpad!

In return to tons of stuff we got from CF 🙏 they asked for feedback, and my main one was, let me do everything end to end on CF, I don't want to rent GPU servers… https://t.co/0j2ZymXpsL

— Alex Volkov (@altryne) September 27, 2023

在过去的一年里,我们收到来自近 60 个不同国家的申请。我们有机会与前两批 50 家优秀的早期和成长期初创企业密切合作,而且我们的风险投资合作伙伴社区已经发展到 40 多家公司,对在 Cloudflare 上构建的初创企业进行的潜在投资规模超过 20 亿美元。

下一步:第三批! 鉴于第二批最近才结束 (查看他们的演示日), 庆祝 Launchpad 计划一周年,而且我们上周发布了一系列公告, 我们认为大家需要多一点时间来了解所有的新闻,因此我们将第三批的截止期限延长几周到 **2023 年 10 月 13 日。我们还将本批的 5 个名额预留给已经使用上周三宣布的任何 AI 产品的公司。**记得在申请中说明你正在使用的产品。

如果您有空查看以上公告,不妨了解一下 Workers Launchpad。申请非常简单快捷,只要一杯茶的时间。


以上就是 2023 年生日周的全部内容。希望您喜欢以上精彩内容,并期待在下一个创新周再见!

i hate @Cloudflare launch week

most launch weeks are underwhelming

cloudflare always makes me rethink everything i’m doing

— Dax (@thdxr) September 29, 2023

我们保护整个企业网络,帮助客户高效构建互联网规模的应用程序,加速任何网站或互联网应用程序抵御 DDoS 攻击,防止黑客入侵,并能协助您实现 Zero Trust 的过程

Birthday Week产品新闻AITurnstileCAPTCHAResearchMachine Learning安全性Connectivity CloudR2 StorageD1Beta

在 X 上关注

Dina Kozlov|@dinasaur_404
Mia Wang|@miawang__


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How Cloudflare auto-mitigated world record 3.8 Tbps DDoS attack

Over the past couple of weeks, Cloudflare's DDoS protection systems have automatically and successfully mitigated multiple hyper-volumetric L3/4 DDoS attacks exceeding 3 billion packets per second (Bpps). Our systems also automatically mitigated multiple attacks exceeding 3 terabits per second (Tbps), with the largest ones exceeding 3.65 Tbps. The scale of these attacks is unprecedented....

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Network trends and natural language: Cloudflare Radar’s new Data Explorer & AI Assistant

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