
Resolving a Mutual TLS session resumption vulnerability


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On January 23, 2025, Cloudflare was notified via its Bug Bounty Program of a vulnerability in Cloudflare’s Mutual TLS (mTLS) implementation. 

The vulnerability affected customers who were using mTLS and involved a flaw in our session resumption handling. Cloudflare’s investigation revealed no evidence that the vulnerability was being actively exploited. And tracked as CVE-2025-23419, Cloudflare mitigated the vulnerability within 32 hours after being notified. Customers who were using Cloudflare’s API shield in conjunction with WAF custom rules that validated the issuer's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) were not vulnerable. Access policies such as identity verification, IP address restrictions, and device posture assessments were also not vulnerable.


The bug bounty report detailed that a client with a valid mTLS certificate for one Cloudflare zone could use the same certificate to resume a TLS session with another Cloudflare zone using mTLS, without having to authenticate the certificate with the second zone.

Cloudflare customers can implement mTLS through Cloudflare API Shield with Custom Firewall Rules and the Cloudflare Zero Trust product suite. Cloudflare establishes the TLS session with the client and forwards the client certificate to Cloudflare’s Firewall or Zero Trust products, where customer policies are enforced.

mTLS operates by extending the standard TLS handshake to require authentication from both sides of a connection - the client and the server. In a typical TLS session, a client connects to a server, which presents its TLS certificate. The client verifies the certificate, and upon successful validation, an encrypted session is established. However, with mTLS, the client also presents its own TLS certificate, which the server verifies before the connection is fully established. Only if both certificates are validated does the session proceed, ensuring bidirectional trust.

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mTLS is useful for securing API communications, as it ensures that only legitimate and authenticated clients can interact with backend services. Unlike traditional authentication mechanisms that rely on credentials or tokens, mTLS requires possession of a valid certificate and its corresponding private key.

To improve TLS connection performance, Cloudflare employs session resumption. Session resumption speeds up the handshake process, reducing both latency and resource consumption. The core idea is that once a client and server have successfully completed a TLS handshake, future handshakes should be streamlined — assuming that fundamental parameters such as the cipher suite or TLS version remain unchanged.

There are two primary mechanisms for session resumption: session IDs and session tickets. With session IDs, the server stores the session context and associates it with a unique session ID. When a client reconnects and presents this session ID in its ClientHello message, the server checks its cache. If the session is still valid, the handshake is resumed using the cached state.

Session tickets function in a stateless manner. Instead of storing session data, the server encrypts the session context and sends it to the client as a session ticket. In future connections, the client includes this ticket in its ClientHello, which the server can then decrypt to restore the session, eliminating the need for the server to maintain session state.

A resumed mTLS session leverages previously established trust, allowing clients to reconnect to a protected application without needing to re-initiate an mTLS handshake.

The mTLS resumption vulnerability

In Cloudflare’s mTLS implementation, however, session resumption introduced an unintended behavior.  BoringSSL, the TLS library that Cloudflare uses, will store the client certificate from the originating, full TLS handshake in the session. Upon resuming that session, the client certificate is not revalidated against the full chain of trust, and the original handshake's verification status is respected. To avoid this situation, BoringSSL provides an API to partition session caches/tickets between different “contexts” defined by the application. Unfortunately, Cloudflare’s use of this API was not correct, which allowed TLS sessions to be resumed when they shouldn’t have been. 

To exploit this vulnerability, the security researcher first set up two zones on Cloudflare and configured them behind Cloudflare’s proxy with mTLS enabled. Once their domains were configured, the researcher authenticated to the first zone using a valid client certificate, allowing Cloudflare to issue a TLS session ticket against that zone. 

The researcher then changed the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) and HTTP Host header from the first zone (which they had authenticated with) to target the second zone (which they had not authenticated with). The researcher then presented the session ticket when handshaking with the second Cloudflare-protected mTLS zone. This resulted in Cloudflare resuming the session with the second zone and reporting verification status for the cached client certificate as successful,bypassing the mTLS authentication that would normally be required to initiate a session.

If you were using additional validation methods in your API Shield or Access policies – for example, checking the issuers SKI, identity verification, IP address restrictions, or device posture assessments – these controls continued to function as intended. However, due to the issue with TLS session resumption, the mTLS checks mistakenly returned a passing result without re-evaluating the full certificate chain.

Remediation and next steps

We have disabled TLS session resumption for all customers that have mTLS enabled. As a result, Cloudflare will no longer allow resuming sessions that cache client certificates and their verification status.

We are exploring ways to bring back the performance improvements from TLS session resumption for mTLS customers.

Further hardening

Customers can further harden their mTLS configuration and add enhanced logging to detect future issues by using Cloudflare's Transform Rules, logging, and firewall features.

While Cloudflare has mitigated the issue by disabling session resumption for mTLS connections, customers may want to implement additional monitoring at their origin to enforce stricter authentication policies. All customers using mTLS can also enable additional request headers using our Managed Transforms product. Enabling this feature allows us to pass additional metadata to your origin with the details of the client certificate that was used for the connection.

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Enabling this feature allows you to see the following headers where mTLS is being utilized on a request.

  "headers": {
    "Cf-Cert-Issuer-Dn": "CN=Taskstar Root CA,OU=Taskstar\\, Inc.,L=London,ST=London,C=UK",
    "Cf-Cert-Issuer-Dn-Legacy": "/C=UK/ST=London/L=London/OU=Taskstar, Inc./CN=Taskstar Root CA",
    "Cf-Cert-Issuer-Dn-Rfc2253": "CN=Taskstar Root CA,OU=Taskstar\\, Inc.,L=London,ST=London,C=UK",
    "Cf-Cert-Issuer-Serial": "7AB07CC0D10C38A1B554C728F230C7AF0FF12345",
    "Cf-Cert-Issuer-Ski": "A5AC554235DBA6D963B9CDE0185CFAD6E3F55E8F",
    "Cf-Cert-Not-After": "Jul 29 10:26:00 2025 GMT",
    "Cf-Cert-Not-Before": "Jul 29 10:26:00 2024 GMT",
    "Cf-Cert-Presented": "true",
    "Cf-Cert-Revoked": "false",
    "Cf-Cert-Serial": "0A62670673BFBB5C9CA8EB686FA578FA111111B1B",
    "Cf-Cert-Sha1": "64baa4691c061cd7a43b24bccb25545bf28f1111",
    "Cf-Cert-Sha256": "528a65ce428287e91077e4a79ed788015b598deedd53f17099c313e6dfbc87ea",
    "Cf-Cert-Ski": "8249CDB4EE69BEF35B80DA3448CB074B993A12A3",
    "Cf-Cert-Subject-Dn": "CN=MB,OU=Taskstar Admins,O=Taskstar,L=London,ST=Essex,C=UK",
    "Cf-Cert-Subject-Dn-Legacy": "/C=UK/ST=Essex/L=London/O=Taskstar/OU=Taskstar Admins/CN=MB ",
    "Cf-Cert-Subject-Dn-Rfc2253": "CN=MB,OU=Taskstar Admins,O=Taskstar,L=London,ST=London,C=UK",
    "Cf-Cert-Verified": "true",
    "Cf-Client-Cert-Sha256": "083129c545d7311cd5c7a26aabe3b0fc76818495595cea92efe111150fd2da2",

Enterprise customers can also use our Cloudflare Log products to add these headers via the Logs Custom Fields feature. For example:

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This will add the following information to Cloudflare Logs.

"RequestHeaders": {
    "cf-cert-issuer-ski": "A5AC554235DBA6D963B9CDE0185CFAD6E3F55E8F",
    "cf-cert-sha256": "528a65ce428287e91077e4a79ed788015b598deedd53f17099c313e6dfbc87ea"

Customers already logging this information — either at their origin or via Cloudflare Logs — can retroactively check for unexpected certificate hashes or issuers that did not trigger any security policy.

Users are also able to use this information within their WAF custom rules to conduct additional checks. For example, checking the Issuer's SKI can provide an extra layer of security.

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Customers who enabled this additional check were not vulnerable.


We would like to thank Sven Hebrok, Felix Cramer, Tim Storm, Maximilian Radoy, and Juraj Somorovsky of Paderborn University who responsibly disclosed this issue via our HackerOne Bug Bounty Program, allowing us to identify and mitigate the vulnerability. We welcome further submissions from our community of researchers to continually improve our products' security.

Finally, we want to apologize to our mTLS customers. Security is at the core of everything we do at Cloudflare, and we deeply regret any concerns this issue may have caused. We have taken immediate steps to resolve the vulnerability and have implemented additional safeguards to prevent similar issues in the future.


All timestamps are in UTC

  • 2025-01-23 15:40 – Cloudflare is notified of a vulnerability in Mutual TLS and the use of session resumption.

  • 2025-01-23 16:02 to 21:06 – Cloudflare validates Mutual TLS vulnerability and prepares a release to disable session resumption for Mutual TLS.

  • 2025-01-23 21:26 – Cloudflare begins rollout of remediation.

  • 2025-01-24 20:15 – Rollout completed. Vulnerability is remediated.

เราปกป้องเครือข่ายของทั้งองค์กร โดยช่วยลูกค้าสร้างแอปพลิเคชันรองรับผู้ใช้อินเทอร์เน็ตทั่วโลกได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ เพิ่มความรวดเร็วของการใช้เว็บไซต์หรือแอปพลิเคชันอินเทอร์เน็ต จัดการการโจมตีแบบ–DDoS ป้องปรามบรรดาแฮกเกอร์ และช่วยเหลือคุณตลอดเส้นทางสู่ Zero Trust

เข้าไปที่ จากอุปกรณ์ใดก็ได้เพื่อลองใช้แอปฟรีของเราที่จะช่วยให้อินเทอร์เน็ตของคุณเร็วขึ้นและปลอดภัยขึ้น

หากต้องการศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับภารกิจของเราเพื่อปรับปรุงการใช้งานอินเทอร์เน็ต เริ่มได้จากที่นี่ หากคุณกำลังมองหางานในสายงานใหม่ ลองดูตำแหน่งที่เราเปิดรับ
VulnerabilitiesWAFZero TrustSASETLSNetwork Services

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Matt Bullock|@mibullock
