December 11, 2015 7:44 PM
HTTP/2 Demo: Under the Hood
At first glance, the potential performance improvements of HTTP/1.1 versus HTTP/2 on our demo page may seem a bit hard to believe. So, we put together a technical explanation of how this demo actually works. ...
December 10, 2015 12:10 PM
HTTP/2 For Web Developers
HTTP/2 changes the way web developers optimize their websites. In HTTP/1.1, it’s become common practice to eek out an extra 5% of page load speed by hacking away at your TCP connections and HTTP requests with techniques like spriting, inlining, domain sharding, and concatenation....
December 03, 2015 1:59 PM
HTTP/2 is here! Goodbye SPDY? Not quite yet
Today CloudFlare is introducing HTTP/2 support for all customers using SSL/TLS connections, while still supporting SPDY. There is no need to make a decision between SPDY or HTTP/2. ...
October 06, 2014 9:35 PM
The little extra that comes with Universal SSL
Last Monday we announced our SSL for Free plan users called Universal SSL. Universal SSL means that any site running on CloudFlare gets a free SSL certificate, and is automatically secured over HTTPS....
September 29, 2014 9:56 AM
Introducing Universal SSL
The team at CloudFlare is excited to announce the release of Universal SSL™. Beginning today, we will support SSL connections to every CloudFlare customer, including the 2 million sites that have signed up for the free version of our service....
March 11, 2014 5:00 PM
The Web's Silver Jubilee
No matter what your age, it's hard to believe that the World-Wide Web is 25 today. For the young the web has always been part of their lives, for the older it seems like it was invented only yesterday....
February 17, 2014 4:00 PM
Staying up to date with the latest protocols: SPDY/3.1
Back in June 2012 CloudFlare started a beta rollout of Google's then new SPDY protocol and we took a detailed look at how SPDY makes web sites faster....
December 26, 2013 5:00 PM
Using CloudFlare to mix domain sharding and SPDY
It’s common knowledge that domain sharding, where the resources in a web page are shared across different domains (or subdomains), is a good thing. ...
November 18, 2012 12:35 AM
Do you want to work with Go?
It's no secret that CloudFlare has adopted Go for some production systems; we've written about our use of Go in the past. But over time it's become clear to us that Go is an important language for the sort of high-performance, highly-concurrent software we have to write....
August 02, 2012 10:34 PM
SPDY Now One-Click Simple for Any Website
About a month and a half ago, CloudFlare announced limited support for SPDY as part of a private beta. SPDY is the new protocol pioneered by Google to make the web faster. If you're curious, we've written about what makes SPDY speedy in previous blog posts.
June 29, 2012 2:15 AM
How to make SSL fast
HTTP, the protocol of the web, is unencrypted by default. That means it is trivial for someone using the same local network as you to spy on all the data you send to and receive from most websites. ...
June 28, 2012 6:48 AM
Why mobile performance is difficult
Mobile web browsing is very different, at the network level, to browsing on a desktop machine connected to the Internet. Yet both use the very same protocols, and although TCP was designed to perform well on the fixed-line Internet, it doesn't perform as well on mobile networks. ...
June 25, 2012 7:14 AM
What makes SPDY speedy?
Google has proposed a new protocol for downloading web pages called SPDY and CloudFlare will shortly be making it available in beta form. SPDY is designed to make web browsing faster without replacing HTTP. ...
June 15, 2012 9:43 AM
Introducing SPDY
In 2009, Google began work on a new network protocol to make web pages faster. Dubbed SPDY (pronounced "speedy"), the protocol is designed to solve many of the bottlenecks that slow HTTP down. Beginning today, we're rolling out a beta of SPDY to CloudFlare customers. ...
June 09, 2011 10:59 PM
How CloudFlare Rocket Loader Redefines the Modern CDN
At CloudFlare, we built our own CDN from the ground up. We used the latest technologies like solid state drives for screaming I/O and Anycast routing and geo load balancing to make it as fast and efficient as possible. ...