July 10, 2014 4:00 AM
Introducing CFSSL - CloudFlare's PKI toolkit
Today we’re proud to introduce CFSSL—our open source toolkit for everything TLS/SSL. CFSSL is used internally by CloudFlare for bundling TLS/SSL certificates chains, and for our internal Certificate Authority infrastructure....
May 19, 2014 2:00 PM
The Web is World-Wide, or who still needs RC4?
Two weeks ago we changed our TLS configuration to deprioritize the RC4 encryption method because it is widely thought to be vulnerable to attack. At the time we had an internal debate about turning off RC4 altogether, but statistics showed that we couldn't....
May 07, 2014 4:00 AM
Killing RC4: The Long Goodbye
At CloudFlare we spend a lot of time thinking about the best way to keep our customers’ data safe. Despite recent troubles, HTTPS is still the best way to deliver encrypted content for the web. ...
April 27, 2014 10:00 PM
Searching for The Prime Suspect: How Heartbleed Leaked Private Keys
Within a few hours of CloudFlare launching its Heartbleed Challenge the truth was out. Not only did Heartbleed leak private session information (such as cookies and other data that SSL should have been protecting), but the crown jewels of an HTTPS web server were also vulnerable....
April 17, 2014 10:00 AM
The Hidden Costs of Heartbleed
A quick followup to our last blog post on our decision to reissue and revoke all of CloudFlare's customers' SSL certificates. One question we've received is why we didn't just reissue and revoke all SSL certificates as soon as we got word about the Heartbleed vulnerability?...
April 17, 2014 12:44 AM
The Heartbleed Aftermath: all CloudFlare certificates revoked and reissued
Eleven days ago the Heartbleed vulnerability was publicly announced. Last Friday, we issued the CloudFlare Challenge: Heartbleed and simultaneously started the process of revoking and reissuing all the SSL certificates....
April 12, 2014 9:52 AM
Certificate Revocation and Heartbleed
As you may have noticed, the CloudFlare Heartbleed Challenge has been solved. The private key for the site has been obtained by several authorized attackers via the Heartbleed exploit....
April 07, 2014 9:00 AM
Staying ahead of OpenSSL vulnerabilities
Today a new vulnerability was announced in OpenSSL 1.0.1 that allows an attacker to reveal up to 64kB of memory to a connected client or server (CVE-2014-0160). We fixed this vulnerability last week before it was made public. ...
March 11, 2014 5:00 PM
The Web's Silver Jubilee
No matter what your age, it's hard to believe that the World-Wide Web is 25 today. For the young the web has always been part of their lives, for the older it seems like it was invented only yesterday....
March 10, 2014 4:30 PM
ECDSA: The digital signature algorithm of a better internet
This blog post is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Scott Vanstone, popularizer of elliptic curve cryptography and inventor of the ECDSA algorithm. He passed away on March 2, 2014....
February 14, 2014 1:00 AM
Introducing Strict SSL: Protecting Against a On-Path Attack on Origin Traffic
At CloudFlare, we are always looking for ways to improve the security of our customers’ websites. One of the features we provide is the ability to serve their website encrypted over SSL/TLS. ...
December 26, 2013 5:00 PM
Using CloudFlare to mix domain sharding and SPDY
It’s common knowledge that domain sharding, where the resources in a web page are shared across different domains (or subdomains), is a good thing. ...
November 21, 2013 9:00 AM
Red October: CloudFlare’s Open Source Implementation of the Two-Man Rule
At CloudFlare, we are always looking for better ways to secure the data we’re entrusted with. This means hardening our system against outside threats such as hackers, but it also means protecting against insider threats. ...
October 24, 2013 3:00 AM
A (Relatively Easy To Understand) Primer on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is one of the most powerful but least understood types of cryptography in wide use today. At CloudFlare, we make extensive use of ECC to secure everything from our customers' HTTPS connections to how we pass data between our data centers....