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PCI Certified

Cloudflare Certifications


We think trust is fundamental to building a better Internet. Cloudflare adheres to industry-standard security compliance certifications and regulations to help our customers earn their users’ trust....

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Cloudflare Certifications

CloudFlare is now PCI 3.1 certified


PCI Certified

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a global financial information security standard that keeps credit card holders safe. It ensures that any company processing credit card transactions adheres to the highest technical standards....

CloudFlare is PCI Certified


PCI CertifiedLegalWAFeCommerce

Great news for everyone using CloudFlare on an e-commerce site, or a site accepting or processing credit card transactions. After undergoing a Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) 2.0 security control assessment, we’ve been certified as a Level 1 service provider....