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Cloudflare’s 2024 Transparency Reports - now live with new data and a new format


3 min czytania
Ten post jest również dostępny w następującym języku: English.

Cloudflare’s 2024 Transparency Reports are now live — with new topics, new data points, and a new format. For over 10 years, Cloudflare has published transparency reports twice a year in order to provide information to our customers, policymakers, and the public about how we handle legal requests and abuse reports relating to the websites using our services. Such transparency reporting is now recognized as a best practice among companies offering online services, and has even been written into law with the European Union’s Digital Service Act (DSA).

While Cloudflare has been publishing transparency reports for a long time, this year we chose to revamp the report in light of new reporting obligations under the DSA, and our goal of making our reports both comprehensive and easy to understand. Before you dive into the reports, learn more about Cloudflare’s longstanding commitment to transparency reporting and the key updates we made in this year’s reports.

Cloudflare’s approach to transparency reporting

Cloudflare started issuing transparency reports early on, because we have long believed that transparency is essential to earning trust. In addition to sharing data about the number and nature of requests we receive, our transparency reports have provided a forum for Cloudflare to articulate the principles we apply in approaching legal requests for customer information and how we handle abuse.

Grounded in Cloudflare’s principles, our transparency reports have necessarily evolved over time as the scale and complexity of our services has grown. While our initial reports were focused on governmental requests for customer information, our reports have expanded to cover a broader set of issues, including civil requests for customer information, legal requests to limit or terminate services, and our process for handling reports of abuse on websites using our services.

Page from Cloudflare's Transparency Report showing company's Guiding Principles on legal requests for customer information

The EU’s Digital Services Act

A key driver of this year’s updates was the transparency reporting obligations in the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). As we have written about previously, the DSA replaced a 20-year-old law called the e-Commerce Directive, providing an important framework for addressing the legal responsibilities of online service providers.

While the DSA addresses a number of topics, an important one is transparency. The DSA sets different transparency reporting obligations for different services, establishing baseline reporting requirements for all intermediary services, more detailed reporting for hosting services, and the most extensive reporting for online platforms like social media sites and search engines. Most of Cloudflare’s services are pass-through (intermediary) services related to security and performance with limited transparency reporting requirements under the DSA, while our hosting services have some additional requirements related to our abuse-related actions.

The DSA transparency obligations align with Cloudflare’s longstanding practices and company principles toward transparency. Because Cloudflare has always strived to provide meaningful transparency into its approach to these issues, we are well positioned to comply with the specific reporting obligations set forth in the DSA. That said, while we believe that our existing reports already satisfied much of the DSA, we identified changes we wanted to make to match specific types of data or formatting called for under the DSA. 

New data and a new format

Our 2024 Transparency Reports include more information than ever before, all in a new format that we believe will make the information easier to understand.

Prompted by the DSA’s requirements and the continued expansion of services we offer, the 2024 reports includes new information, including additional categories of hosted content abuse, automated steps Cloudflare has taken to mitigate phishing and technical abuse, the mean time to take action on different types of abuse reports, and information about additional types of requests for customer information that we have received. You’ll find a machine-readable version of the data alongside our transparency reports, consistent with DSA requirements. We also introduced "additional context" boxes to call out trends or notable developments during the reporting period.

To try to make all of this information as digestible as possible, we divided our transparency report into two parts. Our report on Legal Requests for Information addresses the law enforcement, government, and civil requests for customer information that Cloudflare receives in the United States and around the world. Our report on Abuse Processes addresses Cloudflare’s processes for handling reports of abuse on websites using our services and our response to legal requests to terminate or restrict access to our users.

Because we divided the report into two parts, you’ll find our ‘warrant canaries’ on the transparency report landing page of our Trust Hub and no longer in the reports themselves. The warrant canary statements about things we have never done as a company are an essential part of our commitment to transparency in how we handle both customers’ information in response to legal requests and abuse reports. All of our warrant canaries remain intact, meaning we still haven't done any of these things.

We’ll continue to publish transparency reports twice a year, available on the Transparency page of our website as well as through an RSS feed. Our approach to these reports will continue to evolve in order to provide meaningful transparency in line with our company principles, product portfolio growth, and in line with the new regulatory environment.

Chronimy całe sieci korporacyjne, pomagamy klientom sprawnie tworzyć aplikacje o skali internetowej, przyspieszamy działanie wszelkich witryn i aplikacji internetowych, zapobiegamy atakom DDoS, trzymamy hakerów z daleka oraz możemy pomóc Ci we wdrażaniu modelu Zero Trust.

Odwiedź stronę na dowolnym urządzeniu i zacznij korzystać z naszej bezpłatnej aplikacji, dzięki której Twój Internet będzie szybszy i bezpieczniejszy.

Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o naszej misji budowania lepszego Internetu, przejdź tutaj . Jeśli interesuje Cię zmiana ścieżki kariery, sprawdź nasze wolne stanowiska.
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