Our Story
When I first began interviewing with Cloudflare in the Spring of 2019, I came across a Cloudflare blog post announcing Proudflare, the company’s LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group (ERG). The post gave me a clear sense of the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. I could tell this was a place that values and celebrates diversity, which really appealed to me as I progressed through the interview process with Cloudflare, and ultimately accepted the role.
Fast forward to my Cloudflare new hire orientation, two weeks of training and introductions at our San Francisco HQ. We learned about the various ERGs at Cloudflare including one for Latinx employees. While I had a strong desire to be part of a Latinx ERG, it was clear that the group was actually in need of someone to lead the effort and rally the troops. At Cloudflare, we have offices across the country and around the world. I wasn’t really sure how to launch an ERG that would be global in scope. After meeting with leads from other Cloudflare ERGs, understanding the landscape, and attending an external workshop, everything started to come together.
In early August, we officially gave ourselves the name Latinflare. In mid-September, we agreed on our amazing logo (which by the way, includes the primary colors of flags from across Latin America set over a lava lamp background). Most importantly, we have agreed, as a group, that our priorities are:
to offer a space where Latinx employees and their allies can gather and network,
to create a pipeline of future employees of diverse backgrounds, and
to be an integral part of the communities where we work.
A mural of Frida Kahlo captured on the streets of Buenos Aires. The mural took the collective of three artists – Julián Campos Segovia, Jean Paul Jesses and Juan Carlos Campos – three weeks to paint
What’s Next for Latinflare
We are gearing up for Hispanic Heritage Month. These efforts include launching Latinflare, holding our inaugural event on October 16th, and continuing to plan more events and activities moving forward. Great things are starting to happen!
How you can support
If you are not a Cloudflare employee but are interested in celebrating Hispanic Heritage, I urge you to find events and activities that are taking place near you. And while our inaugural Latinflare event will be an employee-only event, the group has high hopes to host quarterly meet-ups that will eventually give us the opportunity to network with ERGs and organizations outside of Cloudflare. In addition, you will hear from us again towards the end of the year, when we plan to share some “tradiciones navideñas” with the rest of the Cloudflare family.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month to all! Latinflare stickers will be available in most offices starting this week. If you are not a Cloudflare employee, but are located near a Cloudflare office, please stop by the front desk at your location and ask for one. Stickers for everyone!
_NYC Office celebrates the launch of Latinflare!!_
Latinflare London - PRESENTE!!
Latinflare Miami enjoying a Peruvian lunch :-)
Latinflare at our Headquarters in San Francisco
Proud Latinflarians representing Austin, TX!