EU Copyright Vote: A Critical Juncture for the Open Internet
Back in June, we blogged about the draft EU copyright proposal which is currently making its way through the legislative process in Brussels. ...
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Back in June, we blogged about the draft EU copyright proposal which is currently making its way through the legislative process in Brussels. ...
Continue reading »2017-03-24
Today, the U.S. Senate voted narrowly to undo certain regulations governing broadband providers, put in place during the Obama administration, that would have required Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to obtain approval from their customers before sharing information....
Like most of you, I first heard of Cloudflare via this blog. I read about HTTP/2, Railgun, the Hundredth Data Center, and Keyless SSL — but I never thought I would work here. I, along with my co-founder Adam, and our friends and coworkers were hard at work building something very different. ...
For about half the world (and about half of CloudFlare's data centers) it's already 2013. As our team (most of whom are in San Francisco) get ready to celebrate New Year's Eve, wanted to quickly look back on CloudFlare's 2012. ...
Earlier this week we announced how CloudFlare enabled OCSP stapling in order to improve our customers' SSL performance. OCSP stapling is awesome and improves SSL performance by as much as 30%. However, it is limited to browsers that support OCSP stapling and only benefits CloudFlare's customers....
May 24, 2012 10:36 PM
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 is World IPv6 Day. At CloudFlare we're issuing a challenge to every site on the Internet: it's time to support IPv6 and enable the future. CloudFlare has made supporting IPv6 free and easy. ...
May 23, 2012 8:46 PM
Today Google celebrated the birthday of Bob Moog, the creator of the Moog keyboard, with an interactive doodle. If you haven't played with it, it's pretty cool. Check out, for example, this version of the Legend of Zelda theme music composed with today's doodle. ...
May 20, 2012 10:33 PM
Just a quick update on the initiative between CloudFlare, OpenDNS, and the DCWG to clean up the DNSChanger malware. In the last week, just over 11,000 websites enabled the Visitor DNSChanger Detector App through CloudFlare....
May 03, 2012 1:00 PM
Several years ago, some suspected cyber criminals on the Internet wrote a family of malware dubbed DNSChanger. About a year ago, law enforcement tracked down the suspected cyber criminals behind this malware....
February 02, 2012 5:15 AM
On January 26, we joined the "World IPv6 Launch" being organized by The Internet Society. If you haven't heard about it, it is an effort to encourage companies commit to "permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services" by 6 June 2012....
January 12, 2012 10:42 PM
We regularly monitor the Alexa top 1 million websites for trends. Specifically, we've been tracking how many of them support IPv6 connections. The numbers are still low but have been improving. ...
September 27, 2011 8:45 AM
CloudFlare launched publicly exactly one year ago today. In that year, we have grown from virtually no traffic to powering more than 15 billion page views for 350 million unique visitors in the last month. ...