Over the past week, you’ve heard how Cloudflare is making it easy for our customers to control where their data is stored and protected.
We’re not the only ones building these data controls. Around the world, companies are working to figure out where and how to store customer data in a way that is compliant with data localization obligations. For developers, this means new deployment models and new headaches — wrangling infrastructure in multiple regions, partitioning user data based on location, and staying on top of the latest rules from regulators.
Durable Objects, currently in limited beta, already make it easy for customers to manage state on Cloudflare Workers without worrying about provisioning infrastructure. Today, we’re announcing Jurisdictional Restrictions for Durable Objects, which ensure that a Durable Object only stores and processes data in a given geographical region. Jurisdictional Restrictions make it easy for developers to build serverless, stateful applications that not only comply with today’s regulations, but can handle new and updated policies as new regulations are added.
How Jurisdictional Restrictions Work
When creating a Durable Object, developers generate a unique ID that lets a Cloudflare Worker communicate with the Object.
Let’s say I want to create a Durable Object that represents a specific user of my application:
async function handle(request) {
let objectId = USERS.newUniqueId();
let user = await USERS.get(objectId);
The unique ID encodes metadata for the Workers runtime, including a mapping to a specific Cloudflare data center. That data center is responsible for handling the creation of the Object and maintaining a routing table entry, so that a Worker can communicate with the Object if the Object migrates to another Cloudflare data center.
If the user is an EU data subject, I may want to ensure that the Durable Object that handles their data only stores and processes data inside of the EU. I can do that when I generate their Object ID, which encodes a restriction that this Durable Object can only be handled by a data center in the EU.
async function handle(request) {
let objectId = USERS.newUniqueId({jurisdiction: "eu"});
let user = await USERS.get(objectId);
There are no servers to spin up and no databases to maintain. Handling a new set of regional restrictions will be as easy as passing a different string at ID generation.
Today, we only support the EU
jurisdiction, but we’ll be adding more based on developer demand.
By setting restrictions at a per-object level, it becomes easy to ensure compliance without sacrificing developer productivity. Applications running on Durable Objects just need to identify the jurisdictional rules a given Object should follow and set the corresponding rule at creation time. Gone is the need to run multiple clusters of infrastructure across cloud provider regions to stay compliant — Durable Objects are both globally accessible and capable of partitioning state with no infrastructure overhead.
In the future, we’ll add additional features to Jurisdictional Restrictions — including the ability to migrate your Objects between Jurisdictions to handle changes in regulations.
Under the hood with Durable Object ID generation
Durable Objects support two types of IDs: system-generated, where the system creates a unique ID for you, and user-generated, where a user passes in an identifier to access the Durable Object. You can think of the user-provided identifier as a seed to a hash function that determines the data center the object starts in.
By default with system-generated IDs, we construct the ID so that it maps to a data center near the Worker that generated the ID. This data center is responsible for creating the Object and storing a routing record if that Object migrates.
If the user passes in a Jurisdictional Restriction, we instead encode in the ID a mapping to a jurisdiction, which encodes a list of data centers that adhere to the rules of the Jurisdictional Restriction. We guarantee that the data center we select for creating the Object is in this list and that we will not migrate the Object to a data center that isn’t in this list. In the case of the ‘eu’ jurisdiction, that maps to one of Cloudflare’s data centers in the EU.
For user-generated IDs, though, we cannot encode this data in the ID, since we must use the string the user passed us to generate the ID! This is because requests may originate anywhere in the world, and they need to know where to find an Object without depending on coordination. For now, this means we do not support Jurisdictional Restrictions in combination with user-generated IDs.
Join the Durable Objects limited beta
Durable Objects are currently in an invite-only beta, while we scale up our systems and build out additional features. If you’re interested in using Durable Objects to meet your compliance requirements, reach out to us with your use case!