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Simplify allowlist management and lock down origin access with Cloudflare Aegis


12 min czytania
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Today, we’re taking a deep dive into Aegis, Cloudflare’s origin protection product, to help you understand what the product is, how it works, and how to take full advantage of it for locking down access to your origin. We’re excited to announce the availability of Bring Your Own IPs (BYOIP) for Aegis, a customer-accessible Aegis API, and a gradual rollout for observability of Aegis IP utilization.

If you are new to Cloudflare Aegis, let’s take a step back and understand the product’s purpose and security benefits, process, and how it came to be. 

Origin protection then…

Allowlisting a specific set of IP addresses has long existed as one of the simplest ways of restricting access to a server. This firewall mechanism is a starting state that just about every server supports. As we built Cloudflare’s network, one of the first features that customers requested was the ability to restrict access to their origin, so only Cloudflare could make requests to it. Back then, the most natural way to support this was to tell our customers which IP addresses belong to us, so they could allowlist those in their origin firewall. To that end, we have published our IP address ranges, providing an easy configuration to ensure that all traffic accessing your origin comes from Cloudflare’s network.

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However, Cloudflare’s IP ranges are used across multiple Cloudflare services and customers, so restricting access to the full list doesn’t necessarily give customers the security benefit they need. With the frequency and scale of IP-based and DDoS attacks every day, origin protection is absolutely paramount. Some customers have the need for more stringent security precautions to ensure that traffic is only coming from Cloudflare’s network and, more specifically, only coming from their zones within Cloudflare.

Origin protection now…

Cloudflare has built out additional services to lock down access to your origin, like authenticated origin pulls (mTLS) and Cloudflare Tunnels, that no longer rely on IP addresses as an indicator of identity. These are part of a global effort towards Zero Trust security: whereas the Internet used to operate under a trust-but-verify model, we aim to operate as nothing is trusted, and everything is verified. 

Having non-ephemeral IP addresses — upon which the firewall allowlist mechanism relies — does not quite fit the Zero Trust system. Although mTLS and similar solutions present a more modern approach to origin security, they aren’t always feasible for customers, depending on their hardware or system architecture. 

We launched Cloudflare Aegis in March 2023 for customers seeking an intermediary security solution. Aegis provides a dedicated IP address, or set of addresses, from which Cloudflare sends requests, allowing you to further lock down your origin’s layer 3 firewall. Aegis also simplifies management by only requiring you to allowlist a small number of IP addresses.

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Normally, Cloudflare’s publicly listed IP ranges are used to egress from Cloudflare’s network to the customer origin. With these IP addresses distributed across Cloudflare’s network, the customer traffic can egress from many servers to the customer origin.

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With Aegis, a customer does not necessarily have an Aegis IP address on every server if they are using IPv4. That means requests must be routed through Cloudflare’s network to a server where Aegis IP addresses are present before the traffic can egress to the customer origin. 

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How requests are routed with Aegis

A few terms, before we begin:

  • Anycast: a technology where each of our data centers “announces” and can handle the same IP address ranges

  • Unicast: a technology where each server is given its own, unique unicast IP address

Dedicated egress Aegis IPs are located in a particular set of specific data centers. This list is handpicked by the customer, in conversation with Cloudflare, to be geographically close to their origin servers for optimal security and performance in tandem. 

Aegis relies on a technology called soft-unicasting, which allows us to share a /32 egress IPv4 amongst many servers, thereby enabling us to spread a single subnet across many data centers. Then, the traffic going back from the origin servers (the return path) is routed to their closest data center. Once in Cloudflare's network, our in-house L4 XDP-based load balancer, Unimog, ensures that the return packets make it back to the machine that connected to the origin servers at the start.

This supports fast, local, and reliable egress from Cloudflare’s network. With this configuration, we essentially use Anycast at the BGP layer before using an IP and port range to reach a specific machine in the correct data center. Across Cloudflare’s network, we use a significant range of egress IPs to cover all data centers and machines. Since Aegis customers only have a few IPv4 addresses, the range is limited to a few data centers rather than Cloudflare’s entire egress IP range.

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The capacity issue

Every IP address has 65,535 ports. A request egresses from exactly one port on the Aegis IP address to exactly one port on the origin IP address. 

Each TCP request consists of a 4-way tuple that contains:

  1. Source IP address

  2. Source port

  3. Destination IP address

  4. Destination port

A UDP request can also consist of a 4-way tuple (if it’s connected) or a 2-way tuple (if it’s unconnected), simply including a bind IP address and port. Aegis supports both TCP and UDP traffic — in either case, the requests rely upon IP:port pairings between the source and destination. 

When a request reaches the origin, it opens a connection, through which data can pass between the source and destination. One source port can sustain multiple connections at a time, only if the destination ip:ports are different. 

Normally at Cloudflare, an IP address establishes connections to a variety of different destination IP ports or addresses to support high traffic volumes. With Aegis, that is no longer the case. The challenge with Aegis IP capacity is exactly that: all the traffic is egressing to the same (or a small set of) origin IP address(es) from the same (or a small set of) source IP address(es). That means Aegis IP addresses have capacity constraints associated with them.

The number of concurrent connections is the number of simultaneous connections for a given 4-way tuple. Between one client and one server, the volume of concurrent connections is inherently limited by the number of ports on an IP address to 65,535 — each source ip:port can only support a single outbound connection per destination IP:port. In practice, that maximum number of concurrent connections is often lower due to assignments of port ranges across many servers and imperfect load distribution. 

For planning purposes, we use an estimate of ~80% of the IP capacity (the volume of concurrent connections a source IP address can support to a destination IP address) to protect against overload, in case of traffic spikes. If every port on an IP address is maintaining a concurrent connection, that address would reach and exceed capacity — it would be overloaded with port usage exhaustion. Requests may then be dropped since no new connections can be established. To build in resiliency, we only plan to support 40k concurrent connections per Aegis IP address per origin.

Aegis with IPv6

Each customer who onboards with Cloudflare Aegis receives two /64 prefixes to be globally allocated and announced. That means, outside of Cloudflare’s China Network, every Cloudflare data center has hundreds or even thousands of addresses reserved for egressing your traffic directly to your origin. Without Aegis, any data center in Cloudflare’s Anycast network can serve as a point of egress – so we built Aegis with IPv6 to preserve that level of resiliency and performance. The sheer scale of IPv6, with its available address space, allows us to cushion Aegis’ capacity to a point far beyond any reasonable concern. Globally allocating and announcing your Aegis IPv6 addresses maintains all of Cloudflare’s functionality as a reverse proxy without inducing additional friction.

Aegis with IPv4

Although using IPv6 with Aegis facilitates the best possible speed and resiliency for your traffic, we recognize the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 can be challenging for some customers. Moreover, some customers prefer Aegis IPv4 for granular control over their traffic’s physical egress locations. Still, IPv4 space is more limited and more expensive — while all Cloudflare Aegis customers simply receive two dedicated /64s for IPv6, enabling Aegis with IPv4 requires a touch more tailoring. When you onboard to Aegis, we work with you to determine the ideal number of IPv4 addresses for your Aegis configuration to maintain optimal performance and resiliency, while also ensuring cost efficiency. 

Naturally, this introduces a bottleneck — whereas every Cloudflare data center can serve as a point of egress with Aegis IPv6, only a small fraction will have that capability with Aegis IPv4. We aim to mitigate this impact by careful provisioning of the IPv4 addresses. 

Now that BYOIP for Aegis is supported, you can also onboard an entire IPv4 /24 prefix or IPv6 /64 for Aegis, allowing for a cost-effective configuration with a much higher volume of capacity.

When we launched Aegis, each IP address was allocated to one data center, requiring at least two IPv4 addresses for appropriate resiliency. To reduce the number of IP addresses necessary in your layer 3 firewall allowlist, and to manage the cost to the customer of leasing IPs, we expanded our Aegis functionality so that one address can be announced from up to four data centers. To do this, we essentially slice the available IP port range into four subsets and provision each at a unique data center. 

A quick refresher: when a request travels through Cloudflare, it first hits our network via an ingress data center. The ingress data center is generally near the eyeball, who is sending the request. Then, the request is routed following BGP – or Argo Smart Routing, when enabled – to an exit, or egress, data center. The exit data center will generally fall in close geographic proximity to the request’s destination, which is the customer origin. This mitigates latency induced by the final hop from Cloudflare’s network to your origin.

With Aegis, the possible exit data centers are limited to the data centers in which an Aegis IP address has been allocated. For IPv6, this is a non-issue, since every data center outside our China Network is covered. With IPv4, however, the exit data centers are limited to a much smaller number (4 x the number of Aegis IPs). Aegis IP addresses are allocated, then, to data centers in close geographic proximity to your origin(s). This maximizes the likelihood that whichever data centers would ordinarily have been selected as the egress data center are already announcing Aegis IP addresses. Theoretically, no extra hop is necessary from the optimal exit data center to an Aegis-enabled data center – they are one and the same. In practice, this cannot be guaranteed 100% of the time because optimal routes are ever-changing. We recommend IPv6 to ensure optimal performance because of this possibility of an extra hop with IPv4.

A brief comparison, to summarize:

Aegis IPv4

Aegis IPv6

Physical points of egress

4 physical data center sites (1-2 cities near origin) per IP address

All 300+ Cloudflare locations (excluding China network)


One IPv4 address per 40,000 concurrent connections per origin

Two /64 prefixes for all Aegis customers (>36 quintillion IP addresses)

~50,000x capacity of IPv4 config

Pricing model

Monthly fee based on IPv4 leases or BYOIP for Aegis prefix fees

Included with product purchase or BYOIP for Aegis prefix fees

Now, with Aegis analytics coming soon, customers can monitor and manage their IP address usage by Cloudflare data centers in aggregate. Every Cloudflare data center will now run a service with the sole purpose of calculating and reporting Aegis usage for each origin IP:port at regular intervals. Written to an internal database, these reports will be aggregated and exposed to customers via Cloudflare’s GraphQL Analytics API. Several aggregation functions will be available, such as average usage over a period of time, or total summed usage.

This will allow customers to track their own IP address usage to further optimize the distribution of traffic and addresses across different points of presence for IPv4. Additionally, the improved observability will support customer-created notifications via RSS feeds such that you can design your own notification thresholds for port usage.

How Aegis benefits from connection reuse & coalescence

As we mentioned earlier, requests egress from the source IP address to the destination IP address only when a connection has been established between the two. In early Internet protocols, requests and connections were 1:1. Now, once that connection is open, it can remain open and support hundreds or thousands of requests between that source and destination via connection reuse and connection coalescing

Connection reuse, implemented by HTTP/1.1, allows for requests with the same source ip:port and destination IP:port to pass through the same connection to the origin. A “simple” website by modern standards can send hundreds of requests just to load initially; by streamlining these into a single origin connection, connection reuse reduces the latency derived from constantly opening and closing new connections between two endpoints. Still, any request from a different domain would need to create a new, unique connection to communicate with the origin. 

As of HTTP/2, connection coalescing can group requests from different domains into one connection if the requests have the same destination IP address and the server certificate is authoritative for both domains. Depending on the traffic patterns routing from the eyeball to an Aegis IP address, the volume of connection reuse & coalescence can vary. One connection most likely facilitates the traffic of many requests, but each connection requires at least one request to open it in the first place. Therefore, the worst possible ratio between concurrent connections and concurrent requests is 1:1. 

In practice, a 1:1 ratio between connections and requests almost never happens. Connection reuse and connection coalescence are very common but highly variable, due to sporadic traffic patterns. We size our Aegis IP address allocations accordingly, erring on the conservative side to minimize risk of capacity overload. With the proper number of dedicated egress IP addresses and optimal allocation to Cloudflare points of presence, we are able to lock down your origin with IPv4 addresses to block malicious layer 7 traffic and reduce overall load to your origin. 

Connection reuse and coalescence pairs well with Aegis to reduce load on the origin’s side as well. Because a request can be reused if it comes from the same source IP:port and shares a destination IP:port, routing traffic from a reduced number of source IP addresses (Aegis addresses, in this case) to your origin facilitates a smaller number of total connections. Not only does this improve security by limiting open connection access, but also it reduces latency since fewer connections need to be opened. Maintaining fewer connections is also less resource intensive — more connections means more CPU and more memory handling the inbound requests. By reducing the number of connections to the origin through reuse and coalescence, HTTP/2 lowers the overall cost of operation by optimizing resource usage. 

Recap and recommendations

Cloudflare Aegis locks down your origin by restricting access via your origin’s layer 3 firewall. By routing traffic from Cloudflare’s network to your origin through dedicated egress IP addresses, you can ensure that requests coming from Cloudflare are legitimate customer traffic. With a simple flip-switch configuration — allow listing your Aegis IP addresses in your origin’s firewall — you can block excessive noise and bad actors from access. So, to help you take full advantage of Aegis, let’s recap:

  • Concurrent connections can be, at worst, a 1:1 ratio to concurrent requests.

  • Cloudflare bases our IP address usage recommendations on 40,000 concurrent connections to minimize risk of capacity overload.

  • Each Aegis IP address supports an estimated 40,000 concurrent connections per origin IP address.

Additionally, we’re excited to now support:

For customers leasing Cloudflare-owned Aegis IP addresses, the Aegis API will allow you to enable and disable Aegis on zones within your parent account (parent being the account which owns the IP lease). If you deploy your Aegis IP addresses across multiple accounts, you’ll still rely on Cloudflare’s account team to enable and disable Aegis on zones within those additional accounts.

For customers who leverage BYOIP for Aegis, the Aegis API will allow you to enable and disable Aegis on zones within your parent account and within any accounts to which you delegate prefix permissions. We recommend BYOIP for Aegis for improved configurability and cost efficiency. 


Cloudflare-owned IPs

Enable Aegis on zones on parent account

Enable Aegis on zones beyond parent account

Disable Aegis on zones on parent account

Disable Aegis on zones beyond parent account

Access Aegis analytics via the API

With the improved Aegis observability, all Aegis customers will be able to monitor their port usage by IP address, account, zone, and data centers in aggregate via the API. You will also be able to ingest these metrics to configure your own, customizable alerts based on certain port usage thresholds. Alongside the new configurability of Aegis, this visibility will better equip customers to manage their Aegis deployments themselves and alert us to any changes, rather than the other way around.

We also have a few adjacent recommendations to optimize your Aegis configuration. We generally encourage the following best practices for security hygiene for your origin and traffic as well.

  1. IPv6 Compatibility: if your origin(s) support IPv6, you will experience even better resiliency, performance, and availability with your dedicated egress IP addresses at a lower overall cost.

  2. HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 adoption: by supporting connection reuse and coalescence, you will reduce overall load to your origin and latency in the path of your request.

  3. Multi-level origin protection: while Aegis protects your origin at the application level, it pairs well with Access and CNI, Authenticated Origin Pulls, and/or other Cloudflare products to holistically protect, verify, and facilitate your traffic from edge to origin.

If you or your organization want to enhance security and lock down your origin with dedicated egress IP addresses reach out to your account team to onboard today.

Chronimy całe sieci korporacyjne, pomagamy klientom sprawnie tworzyć aplikacje o skali internetowej, przyspieszamy działanie wszelkich witryn i aplikacji internetowych, zapobiegamy atakom DDoS, trzymamy hakerów z daleka oraz możemy pomóc Ci we wdrażaniu modelu Zero Trust.

Odwiedź stronę na dowolnym urządzeniu i zacznij korzystać z naszej bezpłatnej aplikacji, dzięki której Twój Internet będzie szybszy i bezpieczniejszy.

Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o naszej misji budowania lepszego Internetu, przejdź tutaj . Jeśli interesuje Cię zmiana ścieżki kariery, sprawdź nasze wolne stanowiska.
Security WeekAegisEgressIPv4IPv6

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