We're happy to announce that CloudFlare's Miami data center is now online. Our 14th data center has been in the works for some time now. The new facility, which is among our largest, will serve much of Central and South America, significantly decreasing latency and expanding capacity for one of our fastest growing regions. If the web seems a bit faster in South Americatomorrow, now you'll know why.
The Miami data center, which is housed in the NAP of the Americas, is already serving more than 1.1 Gbps of traffic just a few minutes after going online. We expect the amount of traffic will continue to grow over the coming weeks, taking load away from our existing data center in Ashburn, which has traditionally been one of our busiest, as well as Dallas and Los Angeles.
We've begun our plans for further network expansion in 2012. If we don't already have a location near you, just wait... we will soon.