Two months ago, our CEO Matthew Prince shared news about CloudFlare's growth, Rocket Loader, and CloudFlare Apps (video) at TechCrunch Disrupt NYC.
Today, we'd like to update you about CloudFlare Apps, the one-click simple way to integrate the best services for website owners. We've had more than 14,000 installs to date, across a diverse ecosystem, and there's so much more possible.
On June 1st, we introduced our first App, VigLink. The rest of the month saw an explosion of choices.
We launched the following Apps, in order:
VigLink (affiliate links)
Apture Highlights (contextual search)
Google Analytics (analytics)
Google Webmaster Tools (webmaster tools)
Pingdom (website uptime monitoring)
UserVoice (support)
SnapEngage (live chat)
Clicky Web Analytics (analytics)
Monitis (server monitoring)
Zoompf (web performance scanning)
ExceptionHub (JavaScript error tracking)
StopTheHacker (malware scanning)
CDNJS Selections (JavaScript libraries)
Browser Blaster (game)
GlobalSign HackAlert (malware detection)
CodeGuard (website backup)
We are very grateful to all the partners who helped us create a fantastic "instant on" experience. We're proud to make these services available to our customers, and couldn't have hoped for a better beginning.
That said...we're just getting started. The last few weeks have been devoted to refining our process, improving the already live Apps, and preparing our next round of releases.
Our partners -- and prospective partners -- will soon benefit from more documentation, code examples, test accounts, screencasts, and other tools based on our experience launching so many diverse services. Multiple plans, approval stages for customer signup, upgrade notification, DNS changes, JavaScript techniques and placement, and a host of other important details are supported now (or will be added shortly)...and soon will be documented, accelerating development.
The majority of CloudFlare Apps are businesses, and we are happy to seamless integrate their services for our customers. Of course, it's not only businesses who have something to offer. There's a complementary approach: independent developers (Browser Blaster) and open-source teams (CDNJS) also provide fun or valuable utility for website owners. As we provide more self-service tools, we expect and encourage more of this kind of organic offering.
Coming Soon
Dozens of new services are coming, starting with image/video advertising and translation.
We are always looking for magic, when we (jointly, with our partner) exceed your expectations for how easy it could possibly be to make your website better. What's especially fun is to do this in categories we'd never even considered. Stay tuned!
What Would You Like To See?
CloudFlare website owners, tell us what apps you'd like to see, whether you're already using the suggested service or contemplating it.
Running a service that's interesting to website owners? Want to make it one-click simple for CloudFlare customers to use your service? Put a domain on CloudFlare yourself (free) to try CloudFlare Apps for yourself, and let us know if you'd like to be included.