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Mike Auger confirms free ecommerce software - “Exciting Times at Pinnacle Cart”


1 min read

Mike Auger is the President and CEO of Pinnacle Cart, the shopping cart software that has been developed from the ground up. Mike bootstrapped the company to surpass $1 Million in sales and has established partnerships with the largest providers in the industry and the biggest brands in the United States.

Growth continues at a lightning pace for Pinnacle Cart and they've just announced something huge.

"We literally just announced that we are offering ecommerce software for free," said Mike. "We are big believers that the space is going into a commodity play and we partnered for our first offering with Chase and Parallels to offer a free version of Pinnacle Cart to customers."

With a competitive market and ecommerce software becoming a more commodity-based field, Mike said they felt now was the time to go with a free version of their service.

"We are going to be first to market with that play. It's big times for us," said Mike.

By offering a free service, Pinnacle Cart has now empowered any entrepreneur to get started, with the hope that once those businesses succeed and grow they will upgrade to paid services. Kudos to Pinnacle Cart for making the process to becoming a business owner easier and much more affordable.

Tune-in to the interview clip to hear more on Pinnacle Cart's free ecommerce software.

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